Thailand UBF Summer Bible Conference Report

  • by WMD
  • May 04, 2012
  • 792 reads

Thailand UBF had their Summer Bible Conference at Salaburi Province for two nights and three days from April 27-29.  A total of 28 people attended and seven lecturers and one life testimony speaker were raised.

1.    The work of the words of God

This year, not many new sheep attended though, seven messengers prepared the words of God wholeheartedly and our leaders were spiritually strengthened by them.  They made a decision to invite many new sheep next year, which was a great comfort. The first night, Sh. Tton Timothy delivered the message “Good heart soil” full of the grace of God. My wife said that she felt the descent of the Holy Spirit upon us. I was so thankful to God that this son struggled a lot in the words of God with a humble learning mind.  Sh. Luke and Sh. Ttam were the main messengers who did a good job preparing difficult passages and delivering them well. These two leaders are praying to marry by faith this year.

2.    Co-working among missionaries

At present, there are three missionary families (Banseok Lee, Peter Lee and Peter Han) and a single missionary as well, Mary Shin, in Thailand UBF. Though missionary families have increased, thankfully, we all co-work well to serve God’s work. Thank God that through the beautiful missionaries’ co-working we made a good spiritual environment for group Bible study, performed a special song, and served other activities. Our missionary co-workers came to Thailand not long ago, so it was hard for them to go out to the campus fishing.

Also, the current temperature of Thailand is very hot, like close to 104oF (40oC), the other two missionary families served fishing ministry very diligently. Thank God!  I earnestly pray that God may accept our precious missionaries’ sincere hearts and prayers and richly bless their discipleship ministry.   

3.    Ministry of raising disciples

There are some leaders (Sh. SangIn Cho’s family, Ttam Paul, On Pauline, Luke, Tton Timothy) in our ministry, who are steadfastly growing.  Three more brothers, Tanamet, Me, and Noth, are growing as spiritual leaders. I expected that they would make a lot of effort to invite many new sheep, however, they were lacking in spiritual power and are too weak to help sheep to the end. I personally accept this as God’s will for me to lay a solid foundation in the ministry raising disciples of Jesus. To this end I took the direction to train our leaders until they grow to feed sheep with sincere prayers and a shepherd’s heart. I want to persistently pray for doubling our ministry and 40 Sunday worship attendants.

4.    Prayer topics:

1).  For M. Banseok Lee’s John’s gospel Sunday message and raising disciples of Jesus;
2).  For good co-working with M. Peter Lee’s and M. Peter Han’s family;
3).  For establishing families of faith;
4).  For doubling of our ministry and 40 Sunday worship attendants.

Reported by M. Banseok Lee
