Peru UBF Easter Conference Report

  • by WMD
  • May 05, 2012
  • 687 reads

We thank God who blessed us through Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection.

From the 6th to the 8th of April we celebrated Easter Conference in Lima, Peru. The title of the conference was “Jesus nos restaura” (Jesus restores us). We thank God for his word. Also we thank God for Peruvian students who delivered messages and shared sincere life testimonies.   We were praying for 15 participants. A total of 14 participated in the conference. They were Cesar, Victor, Ana, Kelly, Fiorella, Mrs. Isabel, Caty, Fabiola, Samantha, Tatiana, Jose Luis, Esteban, Eugenia, and Efrain.

Before the conference Anita and Caty prepared all the songs, Tatiana prepared the flags of each university, and Cesar, Victor, Ana and Kelly prepared their messages and sincere life testimonies.

The first lecture, “¿Quieres ser sano?” (Do you want to get well?), based on John 5 was delivered by Victor. The second lecture, “Ni yo te condeno” (Then neither do I condemn you), based on John 8 was delivered by Ana. The third lecture, “Consumado es” (It is finished) based on John 19, was delivered by Cesar. The fourth lecture, “La verdad nos hace libres” (the truth will set you free), based on John 8:32 was delivered by Kelly. The last lecture, “En el camino a  Emaús” (On the Road to Emmaus), based on Luke 24 was delivered by Efrain.

We thank God who helped the sheep to be born again. During testimony writing time the sheep spent time writing sincere life testimonies confessing their sins. When Caty and Fabiola shared their sincere life testimonies in group, the rest were crying. The tears were falling down from our eyes. While we were crying together, we felt how our Lord Jesus was restoring us.

We thank God for our Lord Jesus who through his crucifixion and resurrection restored us.

Also we thank God for Shepherd Rodolfo Blass of UBF Acatlán Mexico who sent a precious offering of $2,500 USD to support UBF Peru ministry. Before he has also sent others precious offering to Peru UBF  to support the ministry of sharing the gospel with Peruvian students. May God bless you.

Reported by M. Efrain
Peru UBF
