2012 Hanyang UBF Spring Bible Conference Report , Korea

  • by WMD
  • Jun 01, 2012
  • 757 reads

Put Out into Deep Water and Let Down the Nets

When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.”(Luke 5:4)

On May 19 and 20, 2012, God allowed Hanyang UBF I to hold a Spring Bible conference at Fourier Retreat Center in Yeo-Ju, Kyung-Ki Province, Korea. All together 71 people attended. Among these were 17 new sheep and one shepherd with one sister from Beijing, China.

There were three main lectures and one morning devotion message. In the evening God allowed us to have a music concert and a play. The first main message was “Where Are You?” (Genesis 3:1-19) delivered by Sh. Tae Hoon Kim; the second main message was “Put Out into Deep Water and Let Down the Nets” (Luke 5:1-11) delivered by Sh. Gye Ba Lee; the third main message was “I Will Rejoice in the Lord” (Habakkuk 3:1-19) delivered by Sh. Andrew Choi. The morning devotion message was “You Will Be a Blessing” (Genesis 12:1-9) delivered by Sh. Hannah Lee. Right after every main lecture, there were student testimony speakers. Among them were sister Si, Yoongshin (Senior in college) from China. Thank God that she not only shared a very gracious testimony, but also accepted God’s calling to his spiritual world. She confessed that she really wants to attend our Bible conference again.

Overall, this conference was accomplish only through our prayers. We all made a decision to have united early morning prayer meetings for four weeks before the conference. In addition, every week we had prayer meetings fellowship by fellowship. Every Friday night we all gathered together in the basement hall for special prayer meetings for our sheep and the conference. Especially through these Friday night prayer meetings, we earnestly prayed for all of our sheep naming them one by one and also for the work of the words of God in the Spring Bible conference. 

Our spiritual direction was: 1) for the sheep to accept God’s invitation to his spiritual world based on Luke 5:10; 2) for the growing leaders to accept God’s mission of fishing for people; and 3) for the co-workers to pray for the restoration of their faith so they can rejoice in the Lord whatever situation they are in based on Habakkuk 3. 

For this coming summer ministry, I pray that each of our co-workers may have even one sheep like Apostle Peter and serve them until we all form a one thousand discipleship ministry-centered community in the near future. I also pray that God may give us burning vision to send out five thousand missionaries to 233 countries by 2041. For this I pray that God may bless us to devote ourselves only to prayers and to the words of God from this summer semester.  I pray that our Han Yang UBF community may contribute to the whole UBF ministry of sending out 100,000 missionaries by 2041.

By Sh. Moses Kim
