Belize Genesis Bible Academy Report

  • by WMD
  • Jun 06, 2012
  • 847 reads

We thank God who led us to have a Genesis Bible Academy from June 1-3 at Belize UBF. This year Satan hindered us in significant ways. First, M. Moses’ entry into Brazil for the Latin America Director’s Conference was denied. Second, we were accused by one student’s parents to be part of the cult, Moonies. They accused us of drugging their son. But gracious God worked for us too. First, Dillon Leal made a decision to commit himself to UBF campus mission based on Genesis 12:1. Second, he gave us victory through the Genesis Bible Academy.

The title of the academy was “In the Beginning.” We began group Bible study on Genesis 1 on Friday. It was led by Dillon Leal. The lecture was also delivered by him.  He was so stressed preparing for his inaugural message that he even got some pimples on his face, but through it, he accepted God, the Creator of heaven and earth. On Saturday, we had personal quiet time from 6-8 am, but for some, it became a real quiet time with sleep. We had group Bible study on Genesis 2 led by M. Sarah Chang. We learned the importance of Adam’s Bible in being connected to God who planted a garden and to be happy as the stewards of his garden. We prayed earnestly that God may raise up many godly families for Belize. In the afternoon, we had a time to write testimonies. We also planned to play basketball, but it was too hot. In the evening, we shared testimonies and Dornair shared his life testimony. He grew up in a dysfunctional home and was a troublemaker at school and was kicked out of high school three times. But by the grace of God, he is now studying at St, Jones College to be a teacher. He was led by his friend Dillon to study the Bible with us. After, we had prayer time for world mission. We especially prayed for Belize, the Africa International Bible Conferences, and the 2013 USA International Bible Conference. On Sunday, we had group Bible study on Genesis 3 led by Kimisha Ack, and the message was delivered by M. Moses. We began with four students on Friday, but ended with six students on Sunday. We thank God for raising Dillon as a Bible messenger, two group Bible study leaders, three presiders, and one life testimony speaker. Thanks and praise to God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord.

We are praying for Dillon and Kimisha to grow as 1:1 Bible teachers and for Dillon to also grow as a messenger. We are praying for Michal and Dornair to accept campus mission and Emanuel and Parnell to know Jesus as Lord. We are praying for the summer ministry and fall ministry. Lastly, we are praying for M Moses’ Sunday message.

Reported by M. Sarah Chang
