Chile UBF Update and Prayer Topics

  • by WMD
  • Jun 08, 2012
  • 803 reads

It’s also getting chilly and rainy here in Chile. In May, there are mid-term exams in universities in Chile.  We pray that Brother Francisco and Nicolas may be faithful to 1:1 Bible study and be able to attend our winter conference. We are praying for Brother Manuel to restore his spiritual desire and begin Bible study.

I enrolled at the Heart Maintenance Program at the Chilean Public Hospital and Clinic. It is free of charge but the quality of treatment seems a little lower. At present, my health is good without any particular problems. I am focusing on exercise and three rules of eating: eating vegetable, fresh food, and small dinner.

M. Hannah is working at a store, and my business of providing hotel supplies is doing a little better. We are praying that by the end of the year I may reach the goal of $6,000 in sales of supplies to the hotels so that M. Hannah may not need to work from next year and be able to serve the work of God. I pray to grow in the life of obedience in everything holding on to the word of God. Our prayer topics are as follows:

1. To hold a winter conference in the middle of July with more than two sheep (Francisco, Nicolas, Manuel)
2. Early morning prayer without fail
3. To maintain health and $6,000 in sales monthly by the end of year.

M. Josúe Chun
