Istanbul Mission Update and Summer Conference Program, Turkey

  • by WMD
  • Jun 13, 2012
  • 901 reads

Dear brothers and sisters.

Thank God that I can share our update with you once again. God's peace be with all of you. I thank you for all your prayers for Istanbul UBF and your support. Most importantly, I praise God for his unfailing love on the firm foundation of which I can stand.

Many things happened to us in the last 6 months. We changed our worship place 2 times. We were asking God about our future and what He wants us to do. And now, my heart rejoices in the Lord because He decided to use our house church here in Turkey as a kernel of wheat. Steadfast in God's calling, we are looking in the future with new hope and prayer to raise 12 disciples of Jesus.

Our summer Bible conference (June 29 – July 1) will all be about prayer. Never before could I realize how weak and empty my struggle is without sincere and clear prayer. God won't share His glory, and so I have to cry out to Him. I want to learn to pray through this conference. You are kindly invited to participate, and we also need your prayer (program in the attachment). I am grateful to all of you.

Finally, God gave us a wonderful place next to the campus. We can see that his hope is never dying and his calling is irrevocable. I pray that he raise many devoted disciples of Jesus from among us and use us to spread his kingdom to all the Earth.

Your servant jp.