"Seek first his kingdom" Graduation Testimony by Stamatis Savvanis from Greece

  • by WMD
  • Jul 03, 2012
  • 1372 reads

Athens UBF (Greece)

I started off in Germany Aachen and later I continued in the university of Athens to graduate in Archaeology. There were critical moments, when I thought of giving up and doing something else. For example, when I faced difficulties in German philology while studying in Aachen. I couldn’t pass a seminar because of my lack of knowledge for the German language and the discriminating behavior of the Professor. But God had given me his word through Bible study: “But seek first the kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well” Mt 6:33. I continued studies in Germany just because of this Word. I was curious to see if God would do something about my problem. God led me to another seminar with a different Professor, which I could successfully pass with the best grades.

In 2003 I needed to continue my studies in Athens, Greece. In order to do so, I had to pass some difficult exams in history and archaeology in Thessaloniki. My mother helped me to make my preparation for these exams more efficiently. But when I finally received the exam-subjects in archaeology, I noticed that I could answer only one of four questions. Two of my exam-mates, who were sitting next to me, gave up and left the exam room to continue their studies abroad. For one moment I thought of following their example. But I had kept one word from Isaiah: 54:5: "For your maker is your husband, the Lord Almighty is his name, the holy one of Israel is your Redeemer, he is called the God of all earth”. Only through faith I could calm myself down and write the only question I could answer, in the most detailed way. I didn’t know if this was enough though. But God had already opened the way for me to continue my studies in Greece. In spite of my worries, one month later, I received the good news of my matriculation at the philosophical university of Greece. I praised God and shared a testimony with my parents and relatives, which they didn’t accept or take seriously at first.

Later on, I faced many difficulties and struggles in my studies as well as in my faith and daily life. I had persecution in my family because of Sunday worship service for about 4 years, and for 5 years I had contact with someone I really loved and cared about. It was a German woman, with whom I communicated through letters, e-mails, chat, even phone. In spite of the fact, that for a long time, I considered the possibility of leaving UBF in order to be with this woman, eventually this experience helped me to figure out, what is more important to me:  a person, a woman, or Jesus and his cross. I decided to continue the way of the struggle in Jesus by remaining in UBF and stop having contact with her, although it cost me a lot.    While studying in Greece I came to know the risen Jesus. Once, I had to do a presentation, witch was very important for the future of my studies. But I couldn’t manage to prepare the power point in time, although I was working day and night. Finally the Professor called me on my cell phone and urged me to come to the university and do the presentation. I felt like dying in this moment, because I didn’t finish, and the Prof was strict about all presentations, to be acceptable and in time. 

The only thing I could do instead of despairing, was to pray according to one verse: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” John 3:16.  I prayed with the thought, that if God had given his son on the cross to save a worm like me, it is nothing for Him to help me out of this “dead-end” situation. I took a cab and went straight to the university, trying to figure out some excuse for my unfinished project. But when I got there, my classmates where sitting outside of the classroom and chatting. When I asked them what happened, they told me that the projector was damaged and they couldn’t do any of the scheduled presentations. I received this news as a sign from God and so, I took the courage to talk to the Prof about why I wasn’t ready for the presentation. I told her the truth, and she accepted the fact that it was the first time I was working with the power-point program. Eventually she rearranged a new appointment for my presentation and it all went well. She also told me that if I hadn’t come to the university, she would have failed me in her seminar. This experience taught me to always dare to make the first step towards an impossible mission, because God has prepared the environment in order for me to succeed. 

But God knows me better than I know myself. I wasn’t able to pass the last three exams for about two years. My biggest problem was the subject of Byzantine archaeology, witch included an oral examination, which I failed once, and didn’t have the courage to do again. I always went to the exam but never entered the Prof's room, because I thought that I’m not prepared well enough and I’m going to fail again. Almost two years past like this, and in the meantime, I managed with prayer and hard study to pass the remaining two subjects. But I was despaired because of this exam I couldn’t find the courage to do it. God looked upon my situation and suddenly the subject and the prof changed and a new subject appeared, which was much more easy for me to pass in one semester. 

God helped me through all these struggles and many more, and allowed me to finally finish on the May 28, 2012. Since the June 15, I’ m doing a training in teleperformance for the Western Union section. I pray that I may manage this job for Gods glory in the midst of financial crisis. God is like the father who feeds me when I have nothing to eat. I want to stay in Him and be blessed by Him, so that others may see his blessings on me and have holy desire to follow Him. 

Although I’m unworthy and sinful as someone can be, God didn’t give up on me, even though I gave up many times. God is a loving God because he stays faithful on any occasion. May God use me to reach a lost soul with his word and make me responsible as a Bible teacher and a good shepherd. 

One word: Seek first his kingdom…

By Stamatis Savvanis