Osh UBF Plans an English Class and Korean Class for Their Summer Vacation Program

  • by WMD
  • Jul 26, 2012
  • 811 reads


July 26, 2012

We are operating a summer vacation program from July 2-August 3 for five weeks. We planned an English class and Korean class and extracurricular activities like taekwondo, guitar, violin, dancing, and computer activities. From July 14, we began to teach the Korean fan dance and it will last for four days. Thankfully, P from Toronto came and is diligently teaching taekwondo, violin, guitar, etc. She gets along well with the students. She will stay nine more days after the summer program is over and will return to Toronto.   

So far 18 students have been attending the study. In the beginning, only four students came.  But even today two more new students attended. They will be freshmen from the fall semester in September. The weather here is fine, but the temperature is very high like 40oC (104oF). However, the students are joyfully participating in summer classes every day. There is one female student whose Korean is outstanding among the others. We are going to give her special tutoring during the summer and help her to get invited to Korea with a full scholarship through the Korea government.  

In the meantime, from July 20-21, we are going to have a summer retreat at a beautiful walnut forest. A total of 17-18 students are going to attend. It takes around four hours to get there. It will be a good time for students to get refreshed who have been tired of studying. Students from the countryside are taking this chance to invite other students to their own houses. We also set up a project to grant a full scholarship, which is about $400, to seven chosen freshmen for five years. After five years, our goal is to have given full scholarships to 35 students. Through this project, some chosen students may come and study the Korean language and we can help them grow as great leaders for the future. We believe our heavenly Father will provide the necessary funds to support this project.

My wife and I are also going to visit Korea from August 6-27. Thank God that our daughter in Korea safely delivered a daughter, her second child.

By I & R
