The Second Day of Northern-Eastern African Regional Bible Conference Report (Kampala, Uganda)

  • by WMD
  • Aug 05, 2012
  • 883 reads

August 4, 2012

The evening program for the first night was a tribute to Africa. Three people shared their life-testimonies and there were two beautiful African dances from Sudan and Uganda. 
There were three life testimony sharers: Juman Fuchingo in Kenya; Lilian Ogwang from Uganda; and Peter Angelo.  Peter Angelo’s testimony brought many to tears as he shared his childhood of suffering from physical illness and loss of property.  When he was a freshman at Malakal University, he was invited by Oyer Moses and met Jesus very personally through Bible study.  He made every effort to study the Bible, even relying on God to provide for his bus fares to the center.  In God's goodness and providence someone always seemed to pay for his bus ticket!  Through his relationship with Jesus and through the joy it brought him, he went to the campus with M. Andrew Kim to invite students to Bible study. Among them, Padiet Deng and Philip Angelo were raised as leaders. In spite of his sickness, he still serves three to five one-to-one Bible studies.
When the meeting was over and as we began to pray two by two, 11 American delegates finally arrived to the conference site safely after a long journey. We all welcomed them with joy.
Otieno Nickson from Kenya delivered the morning devotional message based on Roman 6:1-14. This passage is a unusual message for a summer conference, but it fit well with this conference.  “What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? By no means!” (Ro 6:1,2a) He said that there are many kinds of Christians. Even though they say they are born-again Christians, they are committing sin. Otieno said, “By no means!” He sincerely repented of his life of sin and wants to establish a pure and Christ-centered house church.
The second main message was delivered by Steven Sebbale from Markerer UBF. He studied his masters in the UK. He is a highly intellectual person, but he humbly served the message on Acts 1:1-11.  He said that the word "power" in Acts 1:8 comes from the greek word, "dunamis" which means dynamite. When we receive the Holy Spirit, we will be a powerful dynamite force and become witnesses of Jesus to the ends of the earth. We all prayed that we would receive the Holy Spirit and pioneer 55 countries in Africa.
By Paul Chung