The Third Day of Northern-Eastern African Regional Bible Conference

  • by WMD
  • Aug 07, 2012
  • 853 reads
August 7, 2012
The climax of the conference was World Mission Night when world mission reports were given on Saturday night. Oyer Moses went to Egypt at the beginning of 2006 for his Ph. D. at the University of Cairo. Now he has completed his course work and will give his final defense immediately after this conference. During his Ph. D. study he raised five Egyptian leaders; two of them attended this conference. He already has a professorship position at Malakal, South Sudan. Agada Moses is from Makerere UBF, Uganda. He graduated from Makerere University and went to Rwanda as a missionary. During the last two years, he struggled to care for university students at the capital city of Kigail in Rwanda. He prayed that God may establish his house church before sending him to Kigail in God's time. Padiat Deng was raised as the director of Sudan in 2009. Since Sudan was divided into two countries, South Sudan and Sudan last year, M. Andrew Kim sent him to the capital city of South Sudan, Juba, to establish a new ministry there earlier this year. There are already 10-15 students studying the Bible and attending Sunday Worship service. Ten students attended this conference. Through their reports, we could see that God is already raising native African leaders as missionaries. Still they are praying to pioneer 55 countries in Africa.

On the third morning, Dr. Julius Ecuru delivered the morning devotional message on Luke 19. He began to study the Bible with Dr. Samuel Yoo from 1994. He is one of the early Uganda UBF members. One summer conference, he could hear Jesus’ voice on the cross, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” After receiving the forgiveness of sin, he became a leader, but slipped away after his medical school. Dr. Samuel Yoo visited him again and they resumed Bible study in 2007. Now he has taken responsibility  for Kyambogo UBF ministry.  

The third main message was given by Kevin Namudeche on Acts 14:1-28, “The Spirit of Witnessing Jesus.” He has such a beautiful voice. He encouraged Native African leaders to be witnesses of Christ, but to be ready to suffer like Paul who went through hardships in the city of Lystra in the region of Lycaonia. He prayed that he may become a missionary someday. The closing message was given by Dr. Abraham Kim on Acts 19:1-21. When Paul took 12 disciples with him and had discussions daily in the lecture hall of Tyrannus for two years, the word of God gained power and spread widely all across Asia Minor. He encouraged all attendees to witness to Jesus in 55 countries of Africa. He also gave the following prayer topics:

1. May God pioneer 40 more countries in Africa through UBF missionaries.

2. May God bless the pioneering work in Juba, Malakal in South Sudan.

3. May God bless the construction of Bethesda Hospital.

4. May God bless the Southern African Bible Conference at Johannesburg, South Africa on Aug 10-12; and the Western African Bible Conference at Lagos, Nigeria on Aug 17-19.

5. May God bless the preparation of the International Conference at Indiana University, Pennsylvania, 2013.

By Paul Chung


The first day report -
The second day report -

