The First Day of the Southern African Conference (Pretoria, South Africa )

  • by WMD
  • Aug 11, 2012
  • 1045 reads

Botswana, Namibia, Mozambique, Zambia, Zimbabwe, South Africa (Africa)

August 11, 2012

The Conference Title is “You Will Be My Witness.” It was held at the Scripture Union retreat center, two hours from Pretoria, South Africa. Around 300 attended from six Southern African countries:  Botswana 6; Namibia 3; Mozambique 2; Zambia 2; Zimbabwe 32; and South Africa, 120; including guests from six countries: Korea 49; USA 30; Germany 6; China 3; Canada 1; and Hong Kong 1; and 32 CBF members. We heard that the Zimbabwe members drove almost 20 hours by bus, while some delegates spent 30 hours by airplane. Through this we were encouraged and full of hope for the people of Africa to be witnesses to all nations.
At 3 p.m. we began with joyful African rhythmic praise music followed by the opening message delivered by Andries Coetsee (Cape Town) entitled, “Do not say I am only a child” (Jeremiah1:1-7).

He was shy like a cute squirrel. But by God’s grace he could believe that God called him even before his birth. He stands firm to be a witness in Cape Town and to wherever God sends. He challenged all African students not to say “I am only a child” but to witness to Jesus to all nations.

Evening message was about “God establishes marriage” (Genesis 2:4-25) by Desmond Mabuki (WITS, RSA). He was studying engineering hard but with no mission when he began Bible study. Then he found glorious mission in Jesus as Adam was given a mission. As God blessed Adam when he was doing his mission diligently with a suitable helper for God’s glory, so he will bless Africans when we do God’s mission witnessing to Jesus.

Life testimonies:

1. Onward (Zimbabwe): He experienced the grace of God many times in his life. At 16 he was falsely accused and imprisoned for rape, murder, and robbery. When he prayed for the first time, God released him after three days. Later when God blessed, he dropped church going. But after becoming a medical student, it did not give him any meaning. Then he was invited to UBF and had common life. There he learned sacrificial life from Korean missionaries. When he applied for a passport to come this conference, he found he was born in Mozambique. He had to go through citizenship registration and then apply for a passport, taking at least 3 months. It seemed impossible for him to finish this process before the conference, but he was able to come and gave his testimony, learning “nothing is impossible faith.” He wants to be a Christ-like medical doctor.

2. Appolonia (Zimbabwe): A pair of shoes was a luxury for her. Her lying and habitual Christian life was changed by common life in UBF and she became a disciple of Jesus and a shepherdess.

3. Lesedi (Wits, SA): He was a self-righteous humanist. But God called him to Jesus through UBF and trained him much, including Canada Ph.D. study in Montreal. Through the love and sacrificial life of the missionaries and through his failure to raise disciples, he now hopes to glorify God through his Ph.D. and future house church. 

4. Eric (Pretoria, South Africa): His father was a taxi driver but passed away in 2000. He had poor and fearful childhood in poverty. He learned faith not to fear anything but follow Jesus who will make him a fisher of men.

5. Khomo (WIT, SA): From high school homosexuality and pornography made him a slave of lust. Finally, when he confessed all his sins according to Jesus’ command, “bring your husband!” Jesus freed him from sexual sins. He had committed adultery secretly and suffered from guilt, but had no strength to ask even his forgiveness. But through Isaiah 49:5 he found Jesus is not only able to forgive sins but has power to make him a light for the Gentiles.

We finished first day shouting in one voice: “Bible Africa!” as our mission followed by two by two prayers.

CBF program:

There is a separated special program for CBF for the first time at this conference. Isaac Choi from Chicago gave a special lecture for the parents entitled, “Bible study and worship service.” John Kuper led the CBF program with the title of “Peter’s Bible school” assisted by Isaac Choi. John was a 2nd gen American missionary to Argentina for 13 years and returned to Chicago Headquarters last year.

The first lecture is, “Jesus called Peter “(Lk 5:1-11) and the second lecture, “Peter’s confession.” (Matthew 16:13-28) They will do the Bible Memorization too.

Please contine to pray for the last of programs.

