The Second Day of the Southern African Conference (Pretoria, South Africa)

  • by WMD
  • Aug 12, 2012
  • 878 reads


Botswana, Namibia, Mozambique, Zambia, Zimbabwe, South Africa (Africa)

August 12, 2012

The morning message was entitled: “Seek God first” (Matthew 6:33) by Abraham Victor (Namibia Director).


James Lee met him in 1993. He left him alone in 1995, appointing him as Namibia UBF director and went to Zimbabwe. Victor was young and unprepared. So he worried a lot, making it his habit. Then he suffered as he worried. His Bible students came, even reaching 20. But soon all left him and his house was robbed. Through these hardships God trained him to seek God first. God then blessed him to marry Betty of Uganda and gave him a job as a chief economist in the National Planning Commission in the office of the president.

Still he faces many challenges, yet he is sure that God will provide all necessary things if he keeps seeking God first.

Group Bible Study: We thank God for raising 22 African Group Bible leaders among the 25 groups while CBF had their own Bible classes. 


30 members of Zimbabwe UBF sang a special song entitled, “You Raise Me Up,” accompanied with flute and violin.

Oliver Maradzike (Zimbabwe) delivered the main lecture 1 entitled, “You are the Christ.” He said that Zimbabwe is beautiful because of his beautiful wife. He compared Peter’s confession of faith with his confession of love to marry his wife. Confession means total commitment to Jesus as his king, master, and Savior. It requires denying oneself and taking up Jesus’ mission to “witness to Jesus to all nations.”

Obed Sibanda (Zimbabwe) shared his testimony with the title, “Rule over!”(Gen 1:28.) All of his families were Christians except his father who was a prison officer. But he passed away.  He suffered since then committing sins in despair. In 2010 when he despaired a lot during his medical school study, Lovemore and Onward invited him to Genesis Bible study. He learned the purpose of life. Especially through Genesis 1:28 he learned, “Don’t run away but rule over adverse situations.”

Soccer Match: In the afternoon, there was a Soccer tournament among four groups: Koreans, South Africans, an African team outside of South Africa,and another team of Americans, Germans, and others. The home team, South Africa, won.

After Jose Ahn's flute solo, "the mission," evening message was delivered with the title, “You will be a blessing” (Genesis 12:1-9) by Boas Chisha (Zambia). Before he met Jesus, he was called “Unza Dizz president” which means “A drunkard president of the University of Zambia.” He was a dirty sinner committing so many dirty sins. However, God called him saying, “You will be a blessing for Zambia.” He  now believes God who called him not because he was good but because God is God of hope. He believed that he will be a blessing in Zambia, like Victor of Namibia with faith in the God of Abraham.

When Andrew Phiri's (Zambia) older brother died in his twenties, he hated God saying that it is unfair. So he lived a sinful life to protest against God. But beer and sexual immorality only made him more miserable. He repented with Mark 4:8 and decided to be a good seed that bears good fruit. Later when his father suddenly died, he had peace and trusted God. 

Two pioneering reports were given by video presentations. Peter Ban will soon pioneer D.R.Congo by God’s mysterious guidance after serving Sudan, and Vietnam.  Truman Lee went to Nigeria in 2005 and after seven years of training God is sending him to Ghana in October with Acts 1:8.

Cremildo was born in Mozambique. Four South African shepherds visited there and had Bible study then invited him to discipleship training in South Africa. His friends scared him saying, “He will be sold by human trafficking.” But after receiving training, he returned and now feeds ten students in Mozambique. He brought his friend Christiano to this conference.  After shouting “Bible Africa! through Jesus who is Christ" and four by four prayers, we celebrated a colorful cultural night with drama and dancing and songs followed by a wonderful and prayerful campfire.



Please see the First Day Report -
