World Mission Report, Korea

  • by WMD
  • Sep 27, 2012
  • 705 reads

Korea UBF

September 27, 2012

On September 17, a World Mission Report was held in the Korean Church 100th Anniversary Memorial Hall in Seoul, Korea. The title of the mission report was “You will be my witnesses.” There was an Indonesian conference report, Middle Eastern Bible conference report and three African regional Bible conference reports as well. The Indonesian Bible conference was reported by Sh. Chang Won Kim from Kwanak 1; the Middle Eastern Bible conference by Nehemiah Kim from Kwangju 1&6; Ugandan regional Bible conference by Sh. Joseph Baik; Nigerian regional Bible conference by Spurgeon Lee from Chongro 2; and South Africam regional Bible conference by Sh. Do young Choi from Kyunghemoon UBF.  

The Middle Eastern Bible conference was reported with the title of “The work of God like roses blooming in the wasteland.” Surprisingly, in the desert-like land of the Middle East, native leaders are growing.  We could hear with our ears and see them through video presentations. We all were greatly inspired by the living God who is mightily working through our faith. One word,  “Trust in God” was deeply planted in all the listeners’ hearts.

Through three African regional Bible conferences, the lives of missionaries who are fully devoting themselves living in the poor surroundings of Africa, deeply touched our hearts. God blessed their devotion, and seemingly unchangeable native leaders have been changed and are now serving the pioneering work of 55 countries of Africa. We could have vision for all 55 African countries to be pioneered by native leaders.

We all deeply realized the power of faith and the power of devotion through this mission report and earnestly prayed with burning desire to be witnesses of the Lord at each campus this fall semester. May God also abundantly bless the local world mission report this week and the following week and fully fill our co-workers’ hearts with mission spirit.

By Caleb Kim, Chongro 1UBF, Korea
