News of Philip Lee's Recovery from Cancer, Korea

  • by WMD
  • Oct 26, 2012
  • 779 reads

Seoul (Korea, Asia)

Octorber 25, 2012

On Sept. 24, I went to see my doctor for a regular check-up and found that the test results of my cancer were very good. There are no cancer cells in my body as of now.  I do, however, have a 2 cm vascular thrombosis in my abdomen, so I need to be hospitalized taking injections of thrombotic therapy for five days as well as taking two kinds of medicine for six months. Actually, I do not need to receive these treatments but my doctor wants to go ahead with them anyway and will observe my physical condition until all the treatments are finished.

In light of my recovery, I praise and thank God for Jesus who took up my infirmities and who was pierced for my transgressions. Only by his great mercy and infinite love for the worst of sinners like me could I be healed. Now I have become a new creation in Christ. I will love God with all my heart, with all my soul, and with all my strength, and I will willingly love my neighbors as myself.

I also thank from my heart all servants of God who have been supporting me through earnest prayer though I didn't deserve it. I thank especially the missionaries who had prayed for me though they were in the midst of serving God's ministry in their difficult situations. I earnestly pray that God may give each of you good health and fill you with the Holy Spirit and his powerful words for his world salvation work.

I am indebted to all of you in the grace of Jesus.

 By Philip Lee