Report of Brazillian Discipleship Camp with the Title, "The Secret of Victory: the Prayer Life!"

  • by WMD
  • Oct 28, 2012
  • 607 reads

Brazile UBF (South America)

October 28, 2012

The Brazilian 2012 Discipleship Camp [Sao Paulo] was realized on October 12-14, entitled: The Secret of Victory: the Prayer Life! We had 31 participants including 6 Brazilian students: Reinaldo, Mariana, Wendel, Eliane, Rodrigo and Jackson.

There were 3 main lectures. On the first day, after the Bible study, we heard the first message by Missionary Nathan entitled: “Blessed!” from Psalm 1. Through this message, we renewed our hearts and attitude toward the word of God, finding pleasure in meditating on it day and night and not standing in the way of sinners.

At night, Peter Park and Samuel Kim shared their testimonies and testified how Jesus was with them from the very beginning. Peter was suffering from too much human love and laziness, but by the grace of Jesus who died on the cross he could be saved and have a new life as a fisher of men. Samuel suffered from a solitary life having no friends as a second gen, but he was transformed into a faithful and joyful servant through the forgiveness of Jesus.

On the second day, we heard the main message based on Daniel 6: “Secret of Victory: the Prayer Life!” preached by Joshua Park. He participated in the Venezuelan Summer Conference this year. After returning to Brazil, he began to practice prayer life. While preparing his message, he prayed sincerely that new prayer life could start over in the Sao Paulo center. God gave to all the participants a new heart to pray 3 times a day regularly.

In the afternoon, we wrote testimonies and meditated on the word of God and we had time to rest and practice sports.

At night, we witnessed the confession of faith of two brothers. They shared a testimony based on Deuteronomy 6:5. Through these testimonies they confessed their conviction and desire to live as Jesus’ disciples to the end of their lives by the grace and love of God.

After that, we heard the life testimony of missionary Omar who shared how the Lord transformed his life and saved him from many sicknesses and his sins, raising him as a missionary to Brazil. At the end of the night, we had communion with a special “break dance” presentation served by brothers Reinaldo and Rodrigo.

On the last day, we heard the message of Daniel 2: The Eternal Kingdom of God! preached by Moses Park. Through this message we received new hope in the Kingdom of God, which is the only hope that will last forever. By studying the book of Revelation each Sunday and through this message, we are creating a real hope in the Kingdom of God and not in this world.

God truly blessed this discipleship camp. The Lord shed his grace upon us and gave us new vision for the future of Brazil, raising many disciples of Jesus. I pray that the Lord continues to bless our prayer life and deep meditation on His word daily. And may God help us to prepare the Summer Bible Camp 2013 with one zealous heart. Thank you for your love for us.
