Guatemala UBF Update

  • by WMD
  • Nov 02, 2012
  • 967 reads

Guatemala UBF

November 1, 2012

My name is Sh. Edwar from Guatemala UBF, a temporary director for the work of God while Msn Josue and Anna are in the USA. This is a brief report of the beautiful grace and mercy of God that we experienced while serving our historical discipleship conference entitled, “Do You Love Me? Feed My Sheep”, based on John 21:17.

Thanks be to God for his mercy that he enabled us to celebrate this historical Bible conference directed by native leaders in Guatemala, which is called a country of “Eternal Spring”.  The conference was held on Oct 20-21 at “Villas Magen” very near the city, in a small, but beautiful and comfortable conference site.

Every year we usually have two conferences, but we were so burdened with fatigue, busy schedules, work and school studies, a burglary in the center, and some coworkers’ health problems. Especially, our director M. Josue and his wife Ana Ham left for Chicago eight days before the conference to restore their health and get some spiritual rest.  Without them what could we do? Only the native Guatemalan leaders were left: Abraham, Edwar, Dimas, Saul, Allan, Hary, Karina, Rosario, Silvia and other faithful brothers and two women missionaries: Sara and Mercy. We were like an orchestra without a director; we couldn’t play music.  Because of this situation, the majority of us were discouraged; we didn’t have a plan for a second conference this year.  In addition, Satan wanted to divide our church in every way. Five days before the conference, one sheep stole one member’s computer and Satan tried to distract our attention.  But we decided to deny ourselves, and with one firm heart, our coworkers prayed and set our minds and hearts to support and serve the conference. When we did this, we experienced that with God nothing is impossible!

Overcoming tiredness and other engagements together with a sense of stewardship we prepared the conference.  We were discouraged when even some young growing members and faithful sheep didn’t want to come to the conference, so coworkers didn’t have strength to invite one new sheep.  But without saying anything or complaints, all of the leaders decided to participate taking up the responsibility to serve the conference. Personally, I have never seen such peace in the midst of storm; they all were so diligent. One day before the conference only 17 people registered, but the amazing power of our God multiplied our 5 loaves and 2 fish and 28 persons attended the conference in total.

Although only a few members took care of so many activities, God gave them strength.  The messengers prepared their messages with joy. Sh. Cesar served the opening message with the title “As on the Wings of Eagles” from Isaiah 40:31. He was very busy and burdened with much work, but with this word of God we regained much hope to renew our strength like eagles in our life of faith through having hope in Jesus.  The main message was delivered by Sh. Raul Munoz from Mexico City UBF.  He, too, left his job and family and came to our country to feed Guatemalans. We learned that God loves us so much and he has hope for Guatemalans to become shepherds who feed young people of our nation and of all other nations. The final message was delivered by Sh. Edwar entitled, “The New Covenant” from Luke 22:20. Jesus came to make a new covenant with the power of his blood to cleanse us and save us from the slavery of our sins. Sh. Dimas had just returned from a business trip; leaving his little daughter at home, he prepared praise and shared a closing message, entitled, “He Washed Our Feet” from John 13:14-15. This taught us the humility of Jesus to wash the disciples’ feet, so coworkers joyfully washed the feet of the leaders and sheep; it was a great spiritual feast!

Although we didn’t fish diligently, God sent two new beautiful sheep, Joselin and Sofia. Although some had been studying the Bible, they didn’t come to the conference.  At the last moment, however, God brought four faithful brothers who hadn’t confirmed to come. They are Alexis, Allan, Hans and Jenny.  God showed us his faithfulness. We give thanks to God for his purpose and hope for Guatemala.  We are praying to visit the campus newly with diligence and feed Jesus’ sheep.  For a long time we waited for sheep to come to us, but we lost our strength like the eagle’s to go and find them. We pray that the work of God may grow: For 12 disciples, 60 1:1 Bible studies and 40 Sunday attendees.  Praise Jesus for his hope and may he raise fruit through this conference which has left footprints in our lives because he showed us that the power of God can raise Guatemalan leaders to become a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.  We pray that our directors, M. Josue and Ana Ham, may return full of grace, health and the Holy Spirit.  Amen                          

By Edwar, Guatemala UBF
