Egypt mission report and prayer topics

  • by WMD
  • Nov 12, 2012
  • 811 reads

Cairo UBF, Egypt

November 11, 2012

I came to Egypt last month by invitation of the Ain Shams University administration in order to defend my thesis. By the grace of God, I defended it successfully and was awarded a Ph.D. on October 11, 2012. I pray that God may help me to use this degree for his mission work and for his glory.

Upon my arrival in Cairo last month, we had a beautiful Bible study with Ayman, a student of Ain Shams University. He is one of the faithful UBF members in Egypt. He attended the last Regional African Conference in Kampala, Uganda together with Mamdouha, a leader candidate.  I prayerfully encouraged Ayman to start the UBF gospel ministry in his house because I am leaving for Malakal, South Sudan. Since that time, he has been having Bible study and worship service in his apartment. He invited 2 students from Ain Shams and Cairo universities in addition to his relatives. The total number of Bible studies and worship service attendees are approximately 15 every week. We are currently praying for 20 attendees. These days Ayman is preparing Bible study and writing message every week. He succeeded me as the Egypt UBF leader for Aim Shams and Cairo University. Ayman's wife takes care of CBF and Second Gens. They are still young but I believe that God will raise them by his grace and power. We pray that they may visit Sudan UBF to have Bible study with Msn Andrew Kim during the holidays.

Cairo UBF is now studying Luke's gospel. We will have 4 lessons of Christmas Bible study from the first week. Egyptians celebrate Christmas on January 7, so our Christmas celebration will be the first week of January 2013. After one month, I will leave for South Sudan; therefore, I am helping Ayman intensively this month.  Mamdouh is helping two students in Asyut University in Northern Egypt.

Prayer topics:

  1. Ayman and Mamdouh may grow to become good shepherds and independent Bible teachers for Egyptian campus mission
  2. Sister Hana Badry, coworker of Ayman, may take care of CBF and Second Gen missionaries
  3. Christmas Bible study and preparation for Christmas celebration
  4. 20 1:1 Bible studies and worship service attendees every week

By Oyor Moses
