Peter Cowen & Sam Lee Jr.'s Uganda Mission Trip Update

  • by WMD
  • Sep 04, 2014
  • 2069 reads

o our family and friends,

1 Corinthians 2:12 "What we have received is not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may understand what God has freely given."

Our trip is more than half way over and Peter and I are at a point where we have reoriented ourselves and found balance with our lives here in Africa. We are learning so much about Ugandan culture and community each day. I think it would be very easy to stay here longer. We have settled into a daily pace of life that starts at 6:00 am with daily bread and prayer (although I have had some difficulty attending faithfully), centers on work at the clinic from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm, and ends with exploring Kampala and playing with the missionary kids.

The Makerere ministry is vibrant and Spirit-filled. On Thursday, we attended the Student Bible Academy, an outreach for Makerere University freshman (Ugandans call them "freshers"). Praise Jesus for watching over and bringing many "freshers" and students to the event.

On Saturday, we were invited to Dr. Luke's Bible student Caleb and Iris' wedding in Iwanda, a district 400 km from Kampala. It was definitely a unique and new experience. The wedding and reception was an all-day affair filled with dancing, speeches, delicious food, and a tower of cake. The family of the bride and groom were very gracious and welcoming to us and treated us like guests of honor.  

On Sunday, we were invited to the Kyambogo ministry worship service. It was kind of funny because Dr. Samuel Yoo's message was based on Matthew 22 and the parable of the wedding banquet. It seemed very practical to our previous day's adventure. It was great to spend time and share our life testimonies with Kyambogo ministry and the Yoo family.

We are thankful for and encouraged by your prayers, support, and email replies. Please pray for us to continue our work and finish the rest of the trip well. Please also remember Makerere and Kyambogo ministry in your prayers and pray that God continues to do His work here in Uganda. Pray that God can use us as a part of what He is doing in Uganda and come alongside Him in the body of Christ.


Peter Cowen & Sam Lee Jr.