Cape Town UBF Held Their Spring Bible Academy

  • by WMD
  • Sep 02, 2014
  • 1447 reads

UBF Cape Town held Spring Bible Academy on 30-31 August 2014. In total 6 students attended. Our theme was ‘Neither do I condemn you’ based on John 8.

We started with group Bible study. We gave opportunity to growing leaders to lead. After group Bible study we had drama presented by sisters. The drama was concise, clear and expressed the passage well. After drama we had message by Shepherd Andries, followed by testimony writing and sharing. Brother Mondli shared how he accepted Jesus in his 1st year but soon after fell into immoral behaviour, watching pornography and making girlfriend. Since then he had a sense of condemnation and guilt. But through John 8 he could receive Jesus’ grace of forgiveness newly. He could hear Jesus say, ‘Neither do I condemn you. Go now leave your life of sin.’ In the evening we had supper fellowship at restaurant.

On Sunday we had special worship service. Shepherdess Annie delivered ‘Fruit of faith’ based on Romans 5. Students presented special items. We closed with a braai (South African BBQ) served by the brothers. The brothers served braai by their own means.

This Bible Academy was different in the sense that students started to participate: taking responsibility for presiding, leading in singing, being prayer servant, leading group Bible study and serving with braai.

Personally, I still need to grow a lot in delivering God’s word clearly and with much grace. And as ministry we are learning to be challenged by God’s word, to digest it and learn how to apply it in our lives.

Thanks giving prayer topics:

- We thank and praise Jesus who did not come to condemn sinners but save sinners by taking our condemnation on the cross
- We thank God for 2 sisters that are now coming regularly to our SWS
- We thank God that brothers are growing in stewardship
- We pray for Shep. Andries to grow as messenger through John’s Gospel study
- We pray for brother Mondli to complete his life testimony