Makerere UBF, Uganda Mission Report by Shs. Margaret

  • by WMD
  • Sep 25, 2014
  • 1947 reads

​There are two UBF chapters in Uganda: Makerere (Dr. Luke Lim) and Kyambogo (Dr. Samuel Yoo). Last year, through God’s word 25 student shepherd candidates were raised and trained to grow as shepherds. Among the 25 candidates, five were raised as shepherds on New Year’s Day of 2014. They are Zaccheus, Collins, Michael, Tom, and Nakato. We have studied the books of Samuel and Romans in 2013 and we are currently studying the gospel of Luke. We pray that we may raise 12 new shepherd candidates this year among faithful Bible students. As God’s word grew in power, the ministry grew gradually. The number of SWS attendants was about 90.

In terms of missionary co-workers, in addition to Dr. Luke Lim who is the director of Uganda UBF, Msn Livingstone and Grace Kang serve as Bible teachers and also as a physician and a pharmacist in Bethesda Medical Center. After attending healing mission, Theresa Sung from Canada also joined our ministry as a medical student missionary. She is now in her 3rd year and invites many medical students to one to one Bible studies. She also leads sisters’ fellowship and serves CBF faithfully. Msn. Dr. Joseph and Esther Chung also work very hard to feed many sheep and native leaders despite their old age. The children of CBF call them JJajja meaning grandma and grandpa in Luganda. Msn. David and Abigail Lu came from China and have served the Ugandan ministry the last five years faithfully. Msn. David helped construction work of Bethesda Medical Center and Msn. Abigail served Bethesda Medical Center as an accountant and deputy administrator. They served Livingstone fellowship from the beginning and raised Shepherd Zaccheus, Alpha, Brother Andrew and Sister Angela.

2014 Prayer Topics for Makerere Chapter:

  1. Pray for raising 12 new student shepherd candidates
  2. Pray for establishing an exemplary Bible house church for Sh. Albert
  3. Pray for each fellowship to pioneer a new campus: Nkumba, UCU, Ndejje, KIU
  4. Pray for Rwanda pioneering

2014 Prayer Topics for Kyambogo Chapter:

  1. For Kyambogo to be a Bible believing missionary sending campus
  2. For 35 1:1 Bible studies a week 
  3. For 12 leaders and 3 lecturer shepherds
  4. To get their own Bible center