Pretoria I UBF Spring Conference, South Africa

  • by WMD
  • Sep 24, 2014
  • 2135 reads

Pretoria UBF Chapter 1 held their conference from August 29 – 31, 2014. The main theme was the grace of Jesus’ forgiveness. God sent 35 people at this conference, and all were touched by Jesus’ grace through two group studies on Friday and Saturday, and listening to four main messages for three days. The title of the first message was “Neither do I condemn you,” based on John 8:1-11. Students in campus were struggling with lustful sins caused by digital culture and the wave of hedonism. Many of them grasped the word, “Go now and leave your life of sin.”

After two chapters were established in 2013, the members of chapter 1 needed to make a new spiritual vessel together. In this regard we raised new messengers, Anele and Bhekumusa for this event. Though it was the first time for them to write a message, they wrote prayerfully and delivered the heart-touching messages.

There were two noticeable points. Billy was appointed as a shepherd. He has been feeding two sheep regularly and invited them to the conference. He pledged to follow after Jesus his shepherd, and vowed to do his spiritual duty raising his right hand before our coworkers. When the attendees wrote personal testimonies, they looked through the passage, verse by verse, and realized the grace of Jesus’ forgiveness on the cross. Two sisters confessed their sins in public and made new decisions to follow Jesus.

Sh. Christian, with stewardship, made an effective spiritual environment, so that the conference flowed smoothly during the conference. The last message was by Bhekumusa, with the title, “Open your eyes and look at the fields!” We made a plan to start regular campus prayer meetings to preach the gospel after receiving much grace through the conference. We prayed for 55 nations of Africa to be pioneered. 

By M. James JY Lee, Pretoria I