Pretoria II UBF Had the First Spring Conference 2014, S. Africa

  • by WMD
  • Sep 23, 2014
  • 1695 reads


We had our first Spring Conference on September 12-14, 2014 at Hekpoort. Weather was good, as spring had come. A total of 30 people attended the conference.

As Pretoria ministry had grown in size and in number, last year we decided to make our ministry smaller diving into two ministries so that each and every member can be challenged and re-dedicate themselves to the pioneering ministry. Literally, we had to start a new ministry.

After establishing chapter II last year, we had a difficult time due to the fact that one of our shepherd families left the ministry. We had served this family more than 15 years from the beginning of our early ministry. Some brothers also left after their graduation pursuing their careers. We became smaller and smaller. Personally I lost hope, passion and desire for disciple-making ministry. But I thank God who enabled me to overcome my own emotion and helped me to hold his words during this difficult period of time.

This year God sent new faithful sheep into our ministry. We had the first Bible conference during February. At that time, we could not give much effort to planting the words of God because we had to know each other, and to form a new spiritual vessel.

This conference was much different. First of all, God established the new messengers: brother Fani and Lethukutula. Although they were spiritually young, they had become our main members serving as worship team members, and as a presider for the worship service. They devoted themselves to the message preparation and received the words of God. Compared to the first semester, our leaders have been growing up and having a sense of ownership, playing a key role in preparing and serving the conference.

Lethukutula prepared a simple message, focusing on Gen 1:26-28 that we were created in God’s image, and we were mandated to rule over. His message was powerful, encouraging us that we are very good, and the best in the eyes of God.

Fani delivered the message based on Genesis 6 and 7. He challenged us that we should have “but me spirit”, which means that although everyone lives a life conformed to the worldly pattern, “but me I will live a life of faith.” Noah had ‘but me spirit’ which pleased God. God showed his favor to him and saved him and his family and started a new history with him.

We studied three Bible studies: Genesis 1, Genesis 6, and Genesis 12. We were divided into 3 groups and 3 sisters: Samu, Dudu, Refilwe served as the Group Bible Study leaders. Although it was the first time for them to lead, they spent much time on preparation, and their shepherds who joined their groups testified that they served the graceful Bible studies.

I must say thanks to Shep Daniel and Miso Rhee who are continuously becoming blessings to us. Although they are struggling to improve their English, they are serving brother Happy, John and sister Dudu who are growing as disciples of Jesus. I am much indebted to their prayer support for our ministry.

We are praying for summer discipleship training in December. Please pray for us to love each other forming stronger bonds and making a spiritual vessel so that we can raise disciples of Jesus, and be good disciple-makers.

By M. Joshua Suh, Pretoria II