Update of Little Daniel Kim - Campinas UBF, Brazil

  • by WMD
  • Sep 22, 2014
  • 1023 reads

From Sep 14 he has shown the symptoms of the early stage of seizure. In order to ease out the symptoms his doctor increased the tranquilizer for him.  The current result of CT scan was that his blood circulation through his brain was normal except the part of fluid size is bigger than normal and part of his brain is swelling a little bit. Within 72 hours he will also go through an MRI test. Based on the result of the MRI, we will know his brain wave condition and his doctor can prescribe what is needed for him.

Meanwhile, we asked the insurance company for  phoniatrics for Daniel. They said yes. It is very important treatment for him because it will gradually help him to swallow his sputum by himself and to chew nourishment by himself. 

Furthermore, it will be good for him that the opened hole connecting his neck and his stomach can be closed. It is no longer necessary to supply very expensive nourishment through the hole and he also can get rehabilitation afterward.

We changed our plan for Daniel to have home care. Fortunately, the insurance will cover half of the high cost of home care expense- whatever we do for Daniel we have to get permission each time from the insurance company, for he is in private hospital.

We will let him stay more at the hospital waiting for God's leading for home care and his provision for Daniel. We will also ask the insurance for increasing the number of treatments of phoniatrics than once a week they planned. We thank God for hearing our prayers and all the servants of God for Daniel.

We believe that the almighty sovereign Lord will allow us to have home care for Daniel in his time and his way. Andrew & Deborah Kim will also see the glory of God through Daniel in his time.

Please continue to pray for Daniel that God may heal his brain function completely and his  phoniatrics treatment may work well so that he may have a rehabilitation.

Thank you so much for your prayer support for Daniel.

Andrew & Deborah Kim