Uganda Mission Trip Update by Samuel Lee Jr. & Peter Cowen

  • by WMD
  • Sep 19, 2014
  • 2017 reads

In Order that I may Gain Christ

"But whatever I gain, I counted as loss for the sake of Christ. Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ." Philippians 3:7-8

To our friends and family,

Greetings from across the pond!

Our trip is nearing its conclusion. We return back to the States this Tuesday afternoon after thirty five days in Uganda; travel-weary, yes, but also thankful and laden with a broadened perspective and a lifetime memory.

For four days this past week, Peter, Luke Hong from Canada, and I accompanied Dr. Luke Lim for a short medical mission in Bukwa, a city nestled in the eastern mountains of Uganda neighboring the Kenyan border. It was difficult to reach the city and we had to go at a slow pace because of the poor quality of the dirt roads, which were muddy and slippery (we were fortunate to only get stuck in the mud once).  

For our medical mission, we partnered with Korean missionaries from Kapchorwa and local pastors from Bukwa. For one and half days, Dr. Luke saw and treated some two hundred plus patients-- the young, the elderly, anyone who needed treatment. We were able to provide basic medications from Bethesda Medical Centre such as: analgesics, anti-histamines, anti-biotic, anti-worm, GIT, anti-spasm, vitamins.  

It was amazing to see firsthand what God is doing in the local Ugandan churches, the extent of Bethesda Medical Centers’ charitable work and aid for Ugandan people, and also the great demand for quality healthcare in these remote villages; the world truly needs good doctors. Please pray for Peter and I, as aspiring doctors, to be vessels that are cleansed, met for His use, and be prepared for every good work, in the name of Jesus Christ our perfect Savior.

It was our great privilege to follow Him and participate in His work here in Uganda by volunteering at Bethesda Medical Centre and aiding in the short medical missions trip to Bukwa, also by observing the lives of the missionaries here and how they have taken on His command to "go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" (Matthew 18:16-20). How blessed it is to live a life in obedience to His word and His great purpose! Prior to the trip, we asked God to smash our expectations of who He is, and He has done that and more. He has shown us that He is so much bigger, that His love is so much more, and that His design stretches to people in every nation.

It was our great blessing to grow in kinship with the brothers and sisters at the Makerere church. I believe in only five short weeks Peter and I have made lasting friendships with the fellowship of believers here and also grown in friendship with one another; "Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity" (Psalm 133:1). Kampala has grown very dear to my heart and I know already that it will be very sad and difficult to leave Uganda and all of our new friends.

Finally, we want to thank you for your contributions to our trip in prayer, finances, encouragement, and emails. Our soul glorifies the Lord for having the support of you, our friends and family. It means a great deal. We are so thankful that you were willing to listen to our stories and learn about God's people around the world. But even when we return to the other side of the Atlantic, please continue to pray for the UBF Makerere ministry, the work at Bethesda Medical Centre, and for the continuing of His mighty work in Uganda. Please pray that even as Peter and I return from across the pond we may continue to grow in faith, continue to experience the magnificence of God's plan in new ways, and continue to be used as part of what He is doing. We pray that we may yield our souls to obey His command and that the Lord Jesus may grant the strength and joy to complete it. Amen!

We love you and miss you and can't wait to see you!

In His peace,

Samuel Lee Jr. & Peter Cowen