Korea UBF held its Fall semester World Mission Report

  • by WMD
  • Sep 18, 2014
  • 1468 reads

"'Have faith in God' Jesus answered'" 

On Sep. 15th Korea UBF held its (Seoul regional) fall semester world mission report with the theme "Have faith in God" at the auditorium of Korea church 100th anniversary memorial hall of Seoul, Korea.   

Dr. Magaret from Markerere UBF of Uganda, Sarah Care of London UBF presented their life testimony centered mission report and three Korea UBF staff shepherds presented MESBC, EU int'l SBC and CIS int'l SBC 2014.

Dr. Magaret gracefully testified about God who saved her from the wandering life of sin, with the title "Who am I." She prays that she may learn about God of Korea during the time of her medical training at SNU medical center for a year and she also is funded by SNU medical school.

M. Sarah Care also gracefully testified that when she sought first God's kingdom and righteousness depending on MT 6:33. God was pleased with her and all things were given to her.  Once she was accepted to ULCA master course with a 5 year full scholarship. But in her prayer and conversation with her Bible teacher she had listened to the God's calling to go out to England as a missionary. She denied herself and gave up her human dream. God was so pleased with her decision of faith and blessed her to establish a missionary family with M. Abraham. 

She applied for a professorship at one of the pre-eminent Uiversitiesy in England, as she was finishing her study from Univ of London. Humanly speaking it was impossible for her to become a professor there because there were a lot of applicants to the school, including those who were prominent professors. But almighty God blessed her to win the victory so that she was appointed as a professor at the school.  She said that God is the one who makes those who have faith in him laugh.

At present she is leading GBS with 5-10 students once a week. London UBF makes loving community and continues to serve fishing ministry. She prays that England UBF may raise 10,000 disciples by 2025 and to restore England as a priestly nation to send out missionaries as she did before.   

Sh. Caleb Kim presented ME SBC with the title "For the Battle is the Lord's." He testified about God who is working mightily in Middle East through servants who trust in God only, giving them victory as self-supporting and disciple-raising missionaries.   

As for CIS SBC Sh. David Nam presented with the title "Kingdom of God".  It was very hard situation to hold the CIS SBC due to the confliction between Russia and Ukraine. However God has heard the prayers for the conference from many servants of God throughout the world and blessed the conference in many ways bringing part of Ukraine UBF leaders to the conference.    

He said that all the messages and life testimonies were heart moving especially the life testimonies of the sisters from Ukraine and Central Asia. He could see the kingdom of God came upon their hearts through their graceful testimonies though their reality is in distress. The hope of CIS is the kingdom of God. He earnestly prays that CIS may be a royal priesthood and a holy nation not to be bad influence to the world.

Sh. Keum Chul In presented about the EU SBC. In order to prepare the conference EU coworkers gathered to pray together every day as early church did. God has been heard their earnest prayer and all the servants’ prayer throughout the world for the conference and blessed them with 830 people.  It was over the number of their goal of registration 800 people. Among them 339 people was native European.

M. Matthew Sing served Portugal pioneering ministry for about 20 years but there was no fruits of raising disciples. However he was faithful to the Lord without was shaken and in the course of time God richly blessed his faith and ministry letting him to bring 13 sheep to the conference.  

Before attending the conference he had a skeptical view about the work of the Holy Spirit in Europe but he was surprised that he could see the great work of God of living and was greatly moved by through UBF second gens and native shepherds’ powerful messages and their transformed life testimonies.  Once Sh. Luis Sung of England rejected the gospel and even rebuked a missionary at ULC campus but God moved his heart he began to study the Bible with the missionary after that week. He has been faithful to the Bible study for about 10 years and established a family of God serving God's ministry in England. Such a work of God shows that God is mightily working in the hearts of European people through the gospel message.

At the end Sh. David Kim addressed the meeting. He said that through the EU SBC he saw finally EU UBF missionaries has thrown the mountain of raising disciples into the sea since they sacrificed themselves in serving EU campus ministry for many years. Likewise by faith we all need not giving up in raising discipleship ministry and then in the course of time God will surely gives each of us great victory for his name's sake. 

We thank God for newly ensure us to have faith in God through the world mission report by the living faith of our missionaries and for strengthening us to serve fall semester campus ministry with faith.

Please continue to pray for us to be full of grace to testify about the work of God when We will continue to have regional world mission report at Jejoo (Sep16th), Choonchun (Sep17th), Injae (Sep18th), Kwangjoo (Sep19th), Chunan (Sep23th) and Chunjoo (Sep24th).

Caleb Kim (World mission department)