Letter from M. Damon Londrigan, Korea

  • by WMD
  • Sep 18, 2014
  • 1465 reads

It has been a while since I wrote.  Right now, our school is on fall break - Korean full moon day (추석: Korean Thanksgiving) is Monday so we have a one week break.  Things are still going great here.  Dream School is still a dream for me.  Don has come but we actually haven't had a lot of time to spend together.  I hope to set up a time that we can meet—maybe just once a week at night when we can share some fellowship, have Bible study and pray for the students.  Thus far, it has been a little chaotic with the beginning of school  and Don and I getting adjusted, but I think things are settling down and both of us are getting into a rhythm.  

In the first two weeks I have already had two dinner parties with several students.  This is a great time to meet with the students and eat some really good food - I really am a great cook, thank God!  I just bought a new Weber grill so I can now start cooking some great barbecue and other American classics for the students.  When school resumes next week, I already have three parties set up in the first week, so the grill will be broken in very soon.  Please pray for these dinner parties.  My prayer is that during these parties God can use me to share the gospel with the students not just in words but through serving them.

I am also praying about winter and summer breaks.  It is fantastic that I get three months of paid vacation, but at the same time this leaves a lot of time for me to find something to do.  I realize that this is a perfect opportunity to carry out world mission, but it is so tempting to just relax.  My breaks coincide with the breaks on the college campuses so students are generally not around.  Here at Dream School the seniors in high school stay and study most of the time and this summer I got to spend some good quality time with a few of them, but I felt like I wasted a lot of time. I'm praying to organize some activities to do with a few students on these breaks.  One of the things I'm praying about is riding a bike again from Incheon to Busan with a group of high school students next summer.  I still don't have a plan for the winter break, but I may go on a short term mission with the students. Every winter break some students go on a short term mission and the school needs teachers to go along as chaperones.  Please pray that I can use the breaks to serve God and his sheep rather than just taking it easy.  

My final prayer topic is for our English ministry at Anam center.  I thank God every day for shepherd Paul Oh.  I thank God that he retired so that we can co-work together.  For the past three weeks we have gone out to Korean University to fish.  We have met a lot of foreign students.  So far, only one has accepted our invitation, but he has been very faithful.  His name is S and he is from Katmandu, Nepal and seems to have a great spiritual desire.  Please pray for him.  Please also pray for our ministry. We are praying for 30 faithful Sunday worship service attendants - right now we're at about 20, but most of these are not students they are regular Anam attendants.  Pray for my messages.  Lately, I have realized just how shallow my Biblical knowledge is and I need prayer support to deliver God's message each week.