South Sudan UBF Got the Certificate from Government

  • by WMD
  • Sep 16, 2014
  • 2929 reads

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus!
Praise God, Praise Jesus!!!!
By God’s grace, as you can see in the attached file, now by this certificate we can conduct our activities freely without any problems. May God help us to use this certificate for his glory!
In addition, we want to express our thankful heart toward God and UBF headquarters and all top leaders in the world and in particular, African leaders, for their prayer support. I thank all of you for what God has done last month (August) that we bought our own land which is located near University of Juba. I pray that this land may be used as a center for God’s glory and as the center of words of God in Africa as well as in South Sudan. May God bless us with this center to be a source of blessing where God’s words, wisdom and love overflow! May it be the house of God!
Finally, South Sudan UBF will hold a summer Bible conference in the coming month of October with the theme of “Jesus’ forgiving love" based on Luke’s gospel. It will be from October 31 until November 2, 2014. As you know South Sudan has been facing cruel fighting since last year, which killed many civilians and innocent people that raised the spirit of envy and tribalism among the people.

Please pray for this conference to be full of the love of Jesus so that by his blood we may learn forgiveness and restore the spirit of love. I also pray that God may bless this conference with his words. Especially, May God be with the speakers (Johnson Deng, Philip Angelo, Elia Peter and Rose Peter) to be used as his holy instruments who can deliver powerful messages of God! I pray for 40 attendees and that they all may receive one word of God in their hearts. May God bless all our programs throughout the conference! God bless you! 

In Christ,
Padiet Deng, Juba UBF