Tsogoo's Life Testimony, Mongolia

  • by WMD
  • Sep 14, 2014
  • 1946 reads

I was born in a middle class educated family in small village called East Uzemqin in Inner Mongolia. A long time ago, the Chinese government killed many Inner Mongolians, so we don’t have a country. We don’t have right to speak out, we don’t have human rights. If you do not listen to the Chinese government you will be in trouble. I really want my hometown to be free from China. I am Mongolian, but I don’t have a country.

I am the eldest of two sons. There is no farm in my hometown. All live a nomadic life with a lot of livestock, beautiful nature, blue sky, huge green pasture and wild animals. People are friendly, helpful and full of happiness. There is no stress, everyone likes to sing and gathers together to play. My grandfather was a rich herdsman with many horses and other livestock. He helped poor people a lot. He was a really strict and traditional man. My parents worked in a village and every vacation I went to the countryside in my grandparent’s house. I like the nature and animals. My childhood dream was to become a rich herdsman and a famous singer.

When I was young, I worked in the countryside and helped my grandparents to take care of the livestock. In my elementary school I was a best student but in my middle school I became one of the worst students. After middle school, my father bought me a high school certificate and I went straight to a music college in Mongolia. I spent three years in the music college but I didn’t like the teachers and students in school so I dropped out of the Music College and attended Mongolian International University to major in English Education.

But in my second year in college a friend of mine invited me to a church. After I introduced myself, they all stood up and sang a welcome song for me. At that time, I felt so much love, and their eyes are really pure. Then I started my bible study, and I really enjoyed it. I prayed a lot. After two months I went back to my home and shared the Gospel to my grandfather. He was a Buddhist and he agreed to go to church with me and encouraged me to continue to go. Also he said that he wanted to go to church, but there is no church in my hometown. After one month he passed away. I was so sad and complained to God a lot. I ran off from church for one year. After a few months of bible study, I went home again on summer vacation. I shared the Gospel with my mom, and she accepted and wanted me to teach her how to pray. I felt so blessed and thanked God. On another winter vacation, I burned all of the Buddhist photos and pictures in front of my dad, and told my dad “these are not real, these are not God. After I burned it nothing will happen to me. My God is a real God, you have to figure out what is right and wrong.” My dad cried. After that time, my dad also agreed that Jesus is only one who is a judge. There is no church in my hometown. My dad works in government, where religion is forbidden, especially Christianity. We used to pray together and it was little bit awkward for me to teach my parents the bible. But I thanked God that He blessed my family.

At this point, I was still not a very good Christian. Every vacation when I went to my hometown, there were a lot of welcome parties that my friends organized for me. So I drank, smoked and committed adultery. I only lived for my worldly dreams and prayed that God would help me build my dreams. I didn’t teach the bible to students, I didn’t like to do this, I didn’t serve in church, I hated fishing. I just don’t want to go to hell. I thought that going to church can lead me to heaven. I did not like the UBF standard in Mongolia because I thought it was too strict for me. I was thinking about changing the environment to help me have a fresh start.

This summer, I had a chance to come to America for an exchange program by work and travel. I worked in North Myrtle Beach, SC, as a cook in a local restaurant. But after a while I got tired of having white people yell at me and blame me for everything that went wrong in my work. I argued several times and quit my job. I have been doing nothing for three weeks and soon I will be totally broke. I can’t work because I didn’t have SSC. I don’t have a last name on my passport. I have complained to God every day. I yelled at God every day. My roommates were atheist, muslin, and Buddhist. I exercised, went to parties to drink and smoked weed with people. After this I gained nothing, these things didn’t help me to get out of trouble. I fell on my knees and cried to God “God I give up, it’s my bad, everything I did is just for my own benefit. I never listened and never followed you. I did everything against your holiness. I am a sinful man. Forgive me Lord, let me start all over again and follow you.” I started to read the bible and prayed for a week. After Stephanie contacted me and she said “come to Chicago and have bible study, my bible teacher is amazing.” And I booked my flight to Chicago, and I went to my previous manager to say goodbye and wanted to print out my ticket. He gave me a paycheck which is $363. I didn’t work for three weeks but he gave me that without any reason. I thanked God. At night I had dinner with my Muslin friends in a Chinese restaurant, and there is message in the fortune cookie that said “God will help you in any hardship.” I was amazed and said, “Wow, my God is with me, this is what I want and it really encouraged me. Then my muslin friends said “Yeah, your God is with you.”

I started my bible study from Genesis with little Sarah. I never had this kind of deep bible study until I met her. I was really impressed with how amazing God’s love is. I didn’t know how much he loves me and I always ran away from him and his love. I went to Wheaton Collage to see the Billy Graham Museum with Joseph and Grace. I saw his work is really great, he used one man to change this country a lot. His love and his holiness really touched me. Before I was thinking I am not that bad. I am just a little bit bad. But after I felt his love again, I realized that I am a really bad and sinful guy. I told myself to stop doing bad things and follow him, to love people, even your enemy. It’s hard, but he is with me and he can help me to get out of trouble and protect me from the world’s temptation. He is the only one, real powerful and almighty God. Nine years ago, a man asked me a question “what do you live for? If you know the answer you will be really successful.” We tried to be smart and give him a perfect answer, but I didn’t give him a good or fit answer for that question. But now, I think I know the answer. I just have to do it. Thanks God, Amen. My key verse for this year is Matthew 6:33. I want to put God first in everything. After one semester I will graduate. I want to dedicate next semester to be a full time Bible teacher.
My life key verse is John 21:15. I want to feed Jesus’ sheep because he loved me so much and I love him so much. Amen.

Tsogoo, Mongolia