Darmstadt Mission Report by M. Moses Lee, Germany

  • by WMD
  • Sep 10, 2014
  • 1781 reads

The God who began the pioneering work at TU Darmstadt

“Have faith in God” ( Mark11:22)

When we moved to Darmstadt in April of 2006 God gave us a key verse from Exodus19:4-6. Through this key verse we were convinced that God had called us to shepherd young lost German souls as a royal priesthood and a holy nation.

God blessed our decision of faith for serving TU Darmstadt ministry with a secure job, a house and three precious sons as gifts of God. By God's grace we visited the campus, invited students continually to Bible study and various meetings and prayed for the TU Darmstadt campus. We have been preaching the gospel message to campus students without ceasing, though they were coming and going. My wife M. Esther has been faithful to visit the campus in the midst of her busy work to take care of three children.

Currently, we are visiting the campus with M. Paulina Kim (Darmstardt2 UBF) every Thursday. I also visit the campus, inviting new students every day after my work. Now I serve new sheep Christoph and Dominic through Bible study.

Whenever we went to the campus and invited students to Bible study, most of them were not interested. Once, when I was discouraged for not having any fruit in raising disciples in our ministry, a missionary encouraged me. He said that your children can bring many sheep to your Bible study when they get into their colleges. Then God planted in me a hope that my son Joseph will bring many of his friends to Bible study after three years, when he enters college.

But true comfort and joy comes from Jesus our Lord when we have an intimate love relationship with him. Since last August 2013 I had a head-ache, sleeplessness and indigestion due to too much stress from my work. In November of 2013, God helped me to have a spiritual and physical rest for a week, letting me stay at my home church, Hanyang UBF, in Korea. Through the Bible study of Psalm 40 with Sh. Moses Kim and a special message of Ecclesiastes by M. Paul Hong, I was greatly encouraged. I was especially moved by King David's crying out to God in prayer of faith for about 14 years. From that time on I woke up at 5:00am every day and began to cry out to God for two hours. I cried out to God, "O Lord, help me to get out of the pit of darkness in me."  I have been continually crying out to God, on the way to and from work in my car.  Then God enabled me to realize that my real problem was my inner sin problem through the word of God. Whenever I served God's ministry I thought that I offered my life 100% to God. But that was not true. Indeed, I was seeking my own glory. I worked hard to achieve my human dream; I sought people's recognition, money and worldly pleasure.  Then I knelt down before God and repented of all my sins with many tears. That night I felt that God's kingdom came upon me. God refreshed me and filled me with victorious faith in Jesus. I was totally changed into a new person, overcoming all the difficulties in my work and in shepherding sheep.  Through the EU SBC I saw a new vision for the European campus ministry. Once, my heart was hardened due to my unbelief in two ways.

First: I had concluded that to evangelize European campus souls is impossible for me. I thought that they have no desire for Christ Jesus and I am not fit for the work because I am a foreigner. But I could hear the voice of Jesus, "Have faith in God," through the conference. I also could see that God is working mightily in the hearts of European campus souls through their transformed lives and through their testimonies. I was convinced that by faith I can raise many disciples of Jesus among EU campus souls and EU will be changed through the gospel message in Christ.

Second: I thought that I can never be changed into a new creation. For the Bible says, "Every healthy tree bears good fruit, no diseased tree can bear good fruit.” I knew that I am a diseased tree and I can never bear good fruit of raising disciples in my life.  I was discouraged because of that. But after hearing the testimonies full of forgiveness and their changed lives, I was convinced that I will be forgiven and transformed into a new creation in Christ. I will be a good tree that bears much fruit when I obey Jesus for the glory of God. Again Jesus said, "Have faith in God".  I believe that by faith in the Almighty God I can move the mountain of raising disciples into the sea. Most of all I could see new vision for campus ministry through the growing second gens in EU through the conference.

I believe that my sons Joseph, Timothy and David will grow to be spiritual leaders in the future. For this, I must be a good example to my family in meditating on the word, prayer and bearing a basic spiritual life. As for raising disciples, I acknowledge that by myself I can do nothing, but when I fully trust and commit myself to the Lord, he himself will work through me by raising disciples for his name sake.

I thank God for many servants of God throughout the world and Hanyang UBF coworkers for their prayer support for my family. Sometimes, I felt we are alone, but God is with us, and you also are with us in prayer. Please continue to pray for us and especially pray that God may send new coworkers to our ministry in God's time. I thank God for richly blessing EU SBC giving us new hope for German campuses.

May God receive our one to one Bible studies and prayers for European campuses and raise many spiritual leaders and bring about a great revival on EU campuses.

TU Darmstadt UBF prayer topics:

To have faith in the almighty God who moves the mountains into the sea.

  1. Pray for a great revival on EU and Germany, preaching the gospel with passion.
  2. For raising one ancestor of faith and 12 disciples
  3. To become an excellent German Bible teacher and serve 2 one to one sheep (Dominic and Maria)
  4. For Joseph, Timothy and David to grow to be good coworkers (Joseph and Timothy to be born again)
  5. For M. Moses Lee to prepare powerful Sunday message (ACTS)
  6. That God may send new coworkers