Korea UBF won a Grand Prize in the Christian Education Brand Contest held by The Kookmin Ilbo

  • by WMD
  • Nov 28, 2012
  • 899 reads

Korea UBF

November 28, 2012
On Nov. 21, 2012 Korea UBF won the Grand Prize in The First Christian Education Brand Contest held by The Kookmin Ilbo (A Newspaper Co., Korea). The Kookmin Ilbo held this public contest in order to set up a signpost for a recommendable Christian education and nominated Korea UBF as one of the 18 institutions to be awarded.
Pastor Chongwook Kim from The Yeon Dong Central Holiness Church, a chairman of the Christian education brand contest, announced: “The 18 award nominees have been armed with the Christian spirit and with the enthusiasm of preaching the gospel, silently yet faithfully proclaiming the truth.”
The meaning of the award is very significant, especially in light of recent worries regarding the educational situation in which a trend of infinite competition is rampant while true education is fading away. This award is meaningful because it gives a chance to encourage and highlight excellent Christian educational institutions and exemplary activities of such Christian organizations.
*Below is the article posted on the Kookmin Ilbo on 11/21/12:
Korea UBF (University Bible Fellowship) is a mission organization dedicated to raise college students as spiritual leaders combined with spirituality and intelligence. Since being founded in 1961, Korea UBF pioneered 300 domestic campuses through 85 local chapters as well as numerous campuses through 328 local chapters in 95 countries worldwide. So far, they have sent out 1,541 self-supporting missionaries to every corner of the world.
In Korea, they teach around 5,000 freshmen annually. Nearly 500 people among them have grown to be leaders who teach the Bible to others, explained a Korea UBF representative.
The most important character of the UBF Bible study method is one to one Bible study which can maximize the effect of forming intimate relationships between a teacher and a student. And they have produced customized Bible study materials which cover all generations, from a beginner to an advanced Christian who is able to effectively study. For elementary school students, 'Bible, a friend of mine' has been published in series by the company, The Words of Life. 'UBF Daily Bread' to be issued bi-monthly is also a very special QT material.
On the other hand, UBF is actively participating in 50 domestic social welfare facilities and volunteer activities. They have sent relief teams in times of disaster taking place in other countries and/or sent supporting funds. Currently they are helping North Korea with food aid and the project of fighting against TB.