Blessed Bible Academy in France

  • by WMD
  • Dec 03, 2012
  • 854 reads

Nantes UBF, France

December 3, 2012
We praise God who blessed our two day Fall Bible Academy, with the title: “A meeting that changed their lives.” The messages were based on John 3 (Nicodemus) and John 4 (The Samaritan Woman). We created a quiet and friendly environment with a sofa, footstools, pillows, and candles. Some people were even sitting on the floor. Christine was in charge of the snack, and prepared delicious cakes and fruit skewers. She also translated Esther’s testimony into Korean. I delivered the two messages. The first day, Misn. Jacob Han shared a clear and gracious life testimony, showing well how his personal meeting with Jesus changed him from a selfish man who worked a lot in the past for himself and the glory of the world, to a man who loves and serves others, and works hard for God. The second day, Misn. Esther Han shared a deep and heart moving testimony. She confessed that she was in the past a woman of hate and a sinner like the Samaritan woman, who depended only on herself and her feelings. But her meeting with Jesus changed her to a woman who depends of God. She praised God who guides and blesses her missionary life. Jacob and Esther struggled humbly to write their testimony.
Six students attended the Bible Academy: 1) Martin (freshman in sociology in Nantes University) who just began BS with Esther and Christine; 2) Theodore (a friend of Martin – Martin lead him to our meeting); 3) Anne (she prepares an administrative contest) who studies the Bible with Christine; 4) David (Anne’s husband – electronics engineer); 5) Min-Kyung (a Korean student who graduated as an Architect last June), who studies the Bible with Bruno; 6) Ji-Hyun (Min-Kyung’s wife – a Ph. D. student in the Science of Language in Nantes University) who studied the Bible since last year. Min-Kyung and Ji-Hyun came the two days of our Academy. They are more and more faithful, and attend Sunday WS regularly with Ji-Hyun’s young sister, Eun-Jin, who also studies the Bible with us. We pray for this family a lot. Min-Kyung is looking for a job as an architect. He struggles by faith. This family has a deep desire to find God and depend on God. We pray also for Theodore and David to start Bible Study. We pray to invite all these people to our Christmas Worship Service (December, 23th).
 Thank you for your prayers and encouragement. Please pray for our Christmas Worship Service. May God give us the best program. We pray for M. Jacob Han, to find training in a good company, and for Misn. Esther Han to renew her green card in January. We pray for Christine’s health, to solve her persistent sore throat which fatigues her much. We pray for our teenagers (Sara, Joseph and Celeste) to love the word of God. I pray that all our co-workers, including teenagers, and sheep, could enter deeply into the word of God and have personal faith and evangelical freedom. Pray for me to be a good shepherd and good messenger. We also are praying to find God’s will to have an independent place for our weekly Sunday Worship service.
In Christ,
Bruno Aussant


