Juba UBF (South Sudan) First Conference Report

  • by WMD
  • Dec 16, 2012
  • 1077 reads

Juba UBF, South Sudan

December 15, 2012

“Hearing this, Jesus said to Jairus, Don’t be afraid just believe, and she will be healed”  Luke 8: 50

We held the first summer Bible Conference in Juba, Southern Sudan with 20 students. In this conference we studied three Bible studies in three groups based on Gospel Luke. The opening address was given by Shepherd Padiet Deng, a briefing of our ministry, who we are, why, and how we study the Bible, and our purpose in studying the words of God with the university students and raising them to become Jesus’ disciples.

The first main message was given by Shepherdess Rose Peter, from the Malakal Chapter. Based on Luke 8: 1-21 ” The Parable of the Sower,” the message was full of grace and power and it challenged all of us to change our hearts to be like good soil which can produce fruits of the Holy Spirit. We confess that we are like rocky and thorny soils. We all accepted to be changed by Jesus’ blood to be good soil, which can produce the fruit of the Holy Spirit and become Heavenly Children.

In the morning of the second day, Shepherd Saeed Moses delivered morning devotion on Luke 9:18-27 “The Christ of God”. He reminded us about the Eastern and Northern African Conferences and that we should confess Jesus in all our lives as our Christ, who died instead of us to give us salvation from sin, and hope for the kingdom of God. It was the first time for him to deliver a message, but with Jesus’ grace, he delivered it well.

The second main message was delivered by Shepherd Padiet Deng, which was the theme of the conference “Don’t Be Afraid Just Believe” based on Luke 8: 40-56. This message empowered us to trust in God alone and have faith in him in all circumstances and situations, as Jairus did when he trusted and listened to Jesus only, instead of people’s words. His daughter was saved by Jesus. Especially for our generation in a new country, there are a lot of things that make us fear--our national economic problems and the darkness of future security. But instead of fearing, we should listen to Jesus’ words “Don’t Be Afraid Just Believe”

We continued our conference with Sunday Worship Services, when Shepherd Elia Peter delivered the last Bible study on Luke 9: 1-17 “You Give Them Something to Eat.”  We learned how to have the spirit of responsibility and a shepherd’s heart both in our mission field and in our lives as Jesus’ disciples. We are suffering because of the lack of responsibility in our nation--no one can change nor teach about this. Only Jesus is the way to solve all these issues of humanity.  

The most important thing to do is writing spiritual testimonies and sharing all attendees’ testimonies. Based on the two Bible studies, most of us confessed not producing the fruit of Spirit, being controlled by the fear of the devil, and not listening to Jesus’ words. So we prayed and asked Jesus to forgive us and have a new decision of faith to live and trust in him alone.

At this conference we raised candidate Gorge Mario as a shepherd.  He was one of our disciples in Khartoum.  When we started our ministry here in Juba, he joined us. He is happy to be a shepherd. Actually he is taking care of his two sisters with the word of God. His testimony was taken from Mathew 6: 33, “seek first his kingdom and righteousness and all these things will be added to you.” He emphasized seeking God with all his heart and mind by seeking for sheep and feeding them. He was praying to be a good shepherd and excellent Bible teacher. May our Lord Jesus help him and raise him to be a good shepherd and Bible teacher.

These are our prayer topic:

  1. A Permanent place for study and Sunday worship services;
  2. Raise 12 disciple of Jesus with strong determination by the end of 2013;
  3. Shepherd Elia Peter, Saeed Moses to be very strong shepherds in the future;
  4. Our Sunday worship to be 15 in attendance and have weekly Bible study with 20 students;
  5. My family to join me by the beginning of New Year;
  6. May God bless our first Christmas in Juba

In Christ

Padiet Deng, Juba – Southern Sudan