Makerere & Kyambogo UBF Christmas Worship Service 2012

  • by WMD
  • Dec 24, 2012
  • 940 reads

Makerere & Kyambogo UBF, Uganda

December 23, 2012

“The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him “Immanuel---” which means  “God with us.” Matthew 1:23

I. Christmas Worship Service.

2012 United Christmas Service was held on December 16.  We prayed about the venue for a long time; however, we could not decide where to worship until the last minute. Due to the construction which was still going on, it was hard to figure out the expected number who will attend Christmas Worship Service.  Christmas preparation was also going on in the midst of students’ final exams in Makerere and Kyambogo and newly pioneering NKumba University.  Usually right after finals, students leave; they cannot wait even a day, for all the hostels are closed.  By Saturday, we decided to have worship service in front of the new BMH  building. We rented two tents and made 130 to 150 seats.  Dr. Lim made the stage in front of the main door of the new building. It turned out to be nicer than we expected.     

This Christmas, we wanted to learn about “Immanuel God” who came to this world to be with us.  Dr. Abraham Omoding was chosen by lot as Christmas messenger consecutively the year, 2011, and 2012. He has been faithful to his fellowship and humbly serving the ministry. Recently, he had a son and he named him Isaac. Thus he became a Uganda Abraham with his son Isaac. His message was sincere and revealed the meaning of Christmas. The Uganda people generally think that Christmas is holiday for family gatherings and eating good food and buying new clothes.  Dr. Abraham said that Christmas is more than that. Dr. Abraham emphasized the grace of Jesus the Incarnate God who gave up his glory and honor to come to this sinful world to be with us. Incarnated Jesus called the lonely tax collector as his beloved disciple and raised him up as St. Matthew who wrote Matthew’s gospel.

Dr. Abraham stressed the fact that Immanuel Jesus is with each of us. Though we are sinful and helpless, He really wants to be with us. We all thank God for using him as a sincere and powerful messenger for God’s words.  And we also offered a thanksgiving offering for the Bethesda Mission Hospital construction this year.     

II. Christmas celebration and feast

Each house church cooked and brought delicious dishes for the Christmas lunch.  Shepherdess Margi assigned 11 house churches including missionary families to prepare foods.  The program was well organized:

1.    Kyambogo musical performance

2.    Makerere Choir led by Shep. Steven and special song for Worship Service.

3.    NKumba dancing performance prepared independently and beautifully was very popular.

4.   The drama by Makerere UBF was written and directed by Dr. Livingston Kang.

5.   CBF children’s’ performance (14)

6.    Makerere sister’s dance was supervised and directed by Dr. Lillian Okwang.

We praise and thank God for the gracious works of God in and throughout the year of 2012. We thank God for raising 13 leaders and strengthening the 6 house churches (native shepherd families). Thank God for the new missionary family of Livingston Kang and Grace Kang and their three children. Thank God for Theresa Sung a student missionary. Through her and Shepherd Tom many medical students came to our ministry. We thank God for restarting the construction work for the Bethesda Mission Hospital project through many of God’s servants’ prayers and caring.  We thank God for Chicago UBF for their earnest prayer and support.  May the Lord bless UBF Ministry worldwide at this Christmas.  

By Msn. Esther Chung
