Zimbabwe Mission Update

  • by WMD
  • Dec 26, 2012
  • 964 reads

Zimbabwe, Africa

December 25, 2012

It is the rainy season here in Zimbabwe. As the final exams started, the numbers of one to one Bible studies and the meetings have been reduced. From a month ago, we started Genesis Bible study ministry. We study briefly through one to one and read the message written by the late Dr. Samuel Lee together. Every week six or seven sisters come for one to one study and simply read the message together. I receive much grace through that because the Late Dr. Samuel C. Lee’s message is very meaningful and full of the gospel, which made me respect him newly as a servant of God’s words. Here students think that they know the Bible well, however, their hearts get touched by just reading his message and they begin writing their own reflections right away.

In this semester, all 30 girl students had one-to-one Bible studies. From 4 weeks before we formed Sarah Team and began a reflection sharing meeting every Saturday in Sh. Samuel H. Lee’s  laboratory. Weekly 8 to 9 students attend. I named it Sarah Team so that they can grow spiritually to be mothers of many nations and to be mothers of prayer who pray for their own native people. Since most of them are too poor, I plant the words of Matthew 6:33 in their hearts so that they can have faith in God, which can overcome their own problems and help them to believe that God will provide them everything if they pray first for their people and Zimbabwe campuses and for world mission. I earnestly pray for them to take a deep root in the Creator God and correctly know Jesus who is the gospel and to change their inmost beings from sorrowful and fatalistic into mothers of faith.

As for us, we are going to attend the African director’s conference, which will be held in Tanzania from January 4 and visit Korea in January 10 and return to Zimbabwe in early February.

Please pray for our growing leaders below:

*Eagle's team - Immanuel, Brighton, Albert, Makaya Peter, Tatenda, Mpumelelo, Mashza

*Sarah team - Sharon, Julia, Tembi, Faith, Beauty, Tytaphiwa, Esther, Magirina, Samantha, Sally

In Love,

M. Ana Ok-Hee Lee (Zimbabwe)
