Great Vision Orchestra- Korea Second Gens New Year Concert & Music Camp

  • by WMD
  • Jan 22, 2013
  • 950 reads

Korea UBF

January 22, 2013

“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.” (Isaiah 60:1)

From January 14, 2013 to January 17, 2013 the 2nd gen’s Great Vision Orchestra had a music camp at Bulgwang Dong Team Retreat Center and the next day, on January 18 we held a New Year’s concert at Jongno-gu Civic Center Auditorium.  

First, the Music Camp:

A total of 68 second-gens from Seoul, Ansan and Incheon UBF attended the camp. The title of the Music Camp was "Arise, Shine." Sh. Andrew Chang, whose two daughters attended the camp, delivered the main message well and met the students at their eye level. In our prayers and hopes, we set the plan for 2nd gens who are living within an environment of limitless competition, stressful college entrance exams, and decreasing sense of morals, to not to be oppressed by, but rather embrace all people and grow as spiritual leaders both physically and spiritually. Brother Sehan Lee and Sister Sarah Kim, who are entering college this year, encouraged the juniors every morning by sharing their own daily bread reflections. The second day, through many activities like playing soccer between brothers and sisters, playing dodge ball, rehearsing in the evening, and other recreational activities every evening, all the 2nd gens had a good time of fellowship where they could fully demonstrate their talents with passion. I really thanked God that our 2nd gens could experience and learn more than just music skills. Above all, it was a good chance for us to devote our attention to them, to love them even a little, and for 2nd gens to encourage each other and learn how to co-work together.    

Second, New Year's Concert:

The New Year's Concert was a great opportunity for us to perform the music that we have prepared during the Music Camp and over the past year. Rather than focusing on inviting many people, our goal was for the 2nd gens to have a chance of present their talents. So, we chose a small music hall instead of a grand music hall. In the beginning, we only expected around 40 musicians, but, because college students joined us later, 74 orchestra members attended in total. We concentrated on higher quality more than larger quantity, but God enhanced our orchestra even in scale.

Though the 2nd gens are still young and many of them are just beginners, it was a good stage for all the 2nd gens to reveal their talents to the fullest. We played various types of music, starting from Mozart Symphony number 38, to film scores and songs from musicals. We even performed from the musical “Les Miserables,” which people have been talking about early this year. All the 2nd gens performed with all their heart and strength while being inspired by a big round of applause and shouts of encouragement from the audience. Most of all, I really thank God that he helped them to win the victory over challenging music that was beyond their ability. I pray that the 2nd gens can adorn the year 2013 with many victories by prayer, faith and passion for God. I pray that I myself can support the 2nd gens with more attention, love and prayer.

By Sh. Joshua Lim, Conductor
