The Work of God in Denmark 2012

  • by WMD
  • Jan 31, 2013
  • 789 reads

Denmark UBF

January 31, 2013
Key verse: Numbers 14:24: "But because my servant Caleb has a different spirit and follows me wholeheartedly, I will bring him into the land he went to, and his descendants will inherit it."
God personally gave me Numbers 14:24 through the European Director’s Conference which was held in Serbia December 29-31. Through these words, I realized the reason why God gave me the name Caleb, and I made a clear decision to devote and follow God wholeheartedly in 2012.
John’s Gospel Sunday worship service and prayer meeting
We have had Sunday worship service with John’s Gospel in 2012. After the North European Bible Camp, we studied the Bible together deeply before the service and then I delivered a short message. This was with an intention to invite new people to Sunday worship service. After the service, we wrote testimonies based on the key verse to build and root our faith in God’s words. Through that, we could provide John’s Gospel questionnaires and the Bible notes in Danish again. We have had prayer meetings at 8 p. m. in the evening everyday reading daily bread and praying for the world mission and the North European mission continuously.
The North European Bible Camp
There was held the North European Bible Camp at the beautiful beach in Denmark on July 27-29 entitled “Spiritual Revival.” Twenty-three people attended in total; missionaries, second generation missionaries and guests from Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Germany. At the Bible camp, every missionary received God’s grace deeply through the main lectures. We also had a time to make a clear decision to live a missionary-life by making one disciple in each country of the North Europe. During the Bible camp, second generation missionaries served the meeting by doing sing-along and music programs with stewardship. May God bless them to grow up continuously as good co-workers for the North European mission.
1:1 Bible study and campus fishing ministry
Thomas has studied the Bible and attended conferences the last four years sincerely. However just before the North Europe Bible Camp, he stopped studying the Bible. With hope, we invited him to the Autumn Bible Academy again and he attended the Academy. Through that he began to study the Bible again. Now he stopped studying again when we had advised him to get married by faith. We pray that we can help him endlessly with hope and faith to be an Abraham of faith in Denmark. We prayed and visited Denmark’s Technical University at least two times a week regularly to meet students and invite them to the Bible study. Even though it seems impossible to make them disciples in human eyes, we believe that God would grant one Abraham of faith and disciples in Denmark because God loves them so much. In this faith and hope we continuously pray and preach the Gospel in DTU.
Missionary Pauline Lee’s graduation from the teachers college
She graduated from the teachers college in June 2012 after four years of studying. It was a great grace of God for her to manage all of the process. She studied with a clear direction that this education would be used for Denmark’s ministry. I pray that God will use her education for Denmark’s ministry preciously.
By Caleb Lee, Denmark