Bolivian Summer Bible Conference 2013

  • by WMD
  • Feb 15, 2013
  • 973 reads

Bolivia UBF

February 15, 2013

On February 9-11, Bolivia UBF held its Summer Bible Conference at carnival time. At this time almost all activities are paralyzed because of the carnival holiday, when people go crazy.

At carnival time it is very difficult to get a place for the conference. So we usually held a 1 night and 2 days Bible academy in our Bible center. But this time God opened Missionary Ana Cho’s husband‘s heart, who offered his brand new country for the conference house which even he has not used yet.

For many years he was angry because of Missionary Ana’s life of faith and persecuted her. But now as the fruit of M. Ana’s prayer, he coworks for the work of God in Bolivia, even though he did not accept God. We pray that God may establish this family as a house church for college students.

The title of our conference was, “Follow Me” (Luke 5:27) and the subtitle was, “A Man of Faith Who Changes History”. God’s greatest concern is to call and raise a man of faith who can change history. Bolivia is passing through a critical time of a shortage of good leaders. Through the conference we could accept the hope of God who calls us to be a man of faith who changes Bolivian history.    

Through this conference, several new shepherd-candidates have been raised. They are Andreina, Daniel Escalante, Alberto, Emanuel, Aldo, and Moises. They are fourth year college students. We pray they may be raised up as leaders of this country. In all, forty-four people attended the conference, less than in previous years. This then is our repentance topic. 

After 40 days, on March 29-31, we are having our Easter Conference. The university is open again after summer vacation, therefore, there will be a lot of sheep on campus. We want to go fishing more actively during those 40 days, that we may have a conference with more than 60 attendants.

Prayer Topics:

  1. To light the spiritual spark to preach the Word of God in Cochabamba City and La Paz through our Eastern Conference
  2. 60 Sunday Worship attendants and 100 (1 to 1) Bible studies    