The Work of God in Poland UBF

  • by WMD
  • Feb 22, 2013
  • 784 reads

Poland UBF

February 22, 2013

You know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Feed my lambs.”

I pray that God may help me to see spiritual works of God in 2012 and to have spiritual direction in 2013.

  1. Campus disciple making ministry.

Missionary Hanna Lee struggled to continue her study at the University of Poznan. She had a good chance to go to the campus every day, serving sister Kamila and Joanna. She passed her fourth year study by God’s grace and by the help of Polish friends. Tomasz, who has been keeping a spiritual relationship with Missionary Elijah Park, left his girlfriend and had a sad heart, however he could rebuild the spiritual fellowship. Zbyszek, for eight years, had strong conflicts in our fellowship. He attended worship service irregularly, so missionary Elijah Park rebuked him. By God’s grace, he did not cut the relationship, but started to rebuild a spiritual relationship using regular sports fellowship on Sunday. Missionary Debora Park sincerely served one lost sheep, Agneszka, as a spiritual mother and friend. Many times, I felt a spiritual burden to serve and love others, to show my love to Jesus serving others. I became selfish, seeking my own blessing of salvation and happiness in family and business. So Jesus asked me, “Do you love me?“ so I replied to Jesus, “I love You.“ Jesus gave me life again and again. He said, “Feed my lambs.“ and I will go to the lost lambs of Jesus with love to Jesus, with the love of Jesus.

  1. Words Ministry and Co-working.

Warszawa UBF studied Genesis, and Mark in 2012. We could not hold our own national Bible conference, but we had fellowship during Easter and Christmas times. We joined the Middle European conference on July20-23, and had were spiritually challenged through the active and heart -felt missionary lives of Paul and Esther Chang. We had, several times, Bible and prayer fellowship with evangelical Polish churches for the sake of Polish ministry. Through Bible conferences, we repented loudly and prayed for Polish mission. In 2013, we will co-work for Polish and world mission together with evangelical churches continuously. May God help us to love Jesus, and go to the lost lambs of Jesus in 2013. Amen.

Elijah Park
