The Work of God in Geneva UBF, Switzerland, 2012

  • by WMD
  • Mar 18, 2013
  • 791 reads

Geneva UBF, Switzerland 

March 18, 2013

John 3: 8 "The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit."

Last year God taught us four things: faith, hope, love, and thankfulness. In our Sunday worship services, we shared three messages. Psalm 23, Psalm 103 and a main message. During the past year, we heard at least 40 times Psalm 23 and 103. The word of God helped us to have faith, hope, love, and thankfulness in God. Paul Jr. and Sarah Jr. were beautiful co-workers, and Missionary Sarah prepared feasts for lunch.

We especially prayed a lot for the worship servicse. On Saturday, we prayed an average of three hours for the worship service. In April, with three days fasting, we prayed seven hours. On Sunday, we prayed about two hours for the worship service. Before worship service, my co-worker placed her hands on me and prayed for the message. During worship service, we are encouraged and give thanks to the work of the Holy Spirit. Two brothers are growing through SWS and three brothers and sisters are growing through Bible study.

Through early morning prayer, God renewed in us faith, hope, love, and thankfulness. Sometimes when I had no hope, I cried only. But Hosea 12: 6, “But you must return to your God…wait for your God always.” helped me to place always my hope in God. Faith, hope, and love came also through the morning Bible meditation time. Sometimes, life was full of fear. But when I was passing 40 minutes beside the quiet waters of the Bible, faith, hope, love, and thankfulness were filling my heart again.

Missionary Sarah visited the campus at lunchtime, to spread the words of God, to place and to distribute about 2000 Gospel booklets on campus. At this Christmas time, we wrapped beautifully 270 Bibles and gave them to the students as Christmas gifts.

Last year, several precious servants of God came to Switzerland and supported us with prayers and Bible studies. Missionary Samuel and Anna Lee served us with Psalm 119. Through CME ministry, Dr John Jun, Dr. Peter Chang and Missionary Stephanus Park came to Switzerland and served Ephesians Bible study. Thanks to this encouragement, in November all Swiss missionaries and children had a three day retreat in the Alps. From early morning until late evening, we prayed and studied the Bible. It was very graceful.

In May we attended a French-speaking evangelical leaders' conference organized by the Geneva Bible Institute. 700 evangelical leaders were there and we had good fellowship with some local evangelical ministry leaders. In the summer, Greece UBF second generation visited Switzerland and had good fellowship with our children. Paul Jr. stayed two months at Hanyang Center receiving a lot of love and returned to Switzerland as a new person.

Our 2013 key verse is John 3: 8. « The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit. » One morning, I saw the branches of the trees in the front of the house shake. The wind was blowing. Then a few days after, the trees did not shake at all. There was no wind. We pray for the wind of the Holy Spirit in 2013. We have one direction; to pray more for the worship service--for a real worship service to worship God; for the worship of listening to the word of God that comes from the mouth of God; for a Worship service where more than 20 people attend.

One Word: We will pray and evangelize for the wind of Holy Spirit

By Paul S. Lee
