Samuel & Anna Lee's Mission Report, Zimbabwe

  • by WMD
  • Mar 20, 2013
  • 1017 reads

Zimbabwe UBF

March 20, 2013


“For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.” Php.2:13
God moved our family to Zimbabwe on August 28, 2011, according to His great plan and love toward the world. We really wanted to restore the gospel faith and mission spirit of the first pioneers. And we prayed to empty ourselves each day and obey the will of God in any way possible. As a result of prayers, God opened the door to Zimbabwe mission.
1. God who works fast
It usually takes two years for missionaries from other organizations to settle in this country. However, in our case a two-year stamped visa was granted only after 33 days of stay in Zimbabwe. We did not go to the Immigration Office until the 40th day. The visa was granted even while we were not aware of it. It was a very remarkable thing and everyone was surprised to hear it.
Next, God opened a Korean language class successfully for the first time at Zimbabwe National University. Two days after arriving in Zimbabwe, Dr. Samuel H. Lee, following the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, prepared his CV and other documents and went to meet Dr. Daniel, the secretary of university vice president/International Office Chair. He suggested that he would open a Korean class and teach the Korean language. Soon, the Dean of Arts College contacted Dr. Samuel Lee to approve the opening of the 6 week beginner’s class on November 3, before the break. Hallelujah! We put class advertisements in several spots on campus and over 200 students applied for the class after 3 days.The dean was surprised and decided to close up the registration. Among them 96 students received the certificate of completion.
The ZNU is the best university in the country, but it does not offer any scholarships, and only $100 is considered a large amount. There are not many employment opportunities after graduation. The best job pays $300-$500 per month. We plant hope by offering scholarships and encourage students to study hard and become future leaders of country.
In 2012, among registered students, 40 students completed a one year beginner’s class and received certificates. In September 2012, the class accepted 200 students among freshmen and granted 100 certificates of completion.
2. God who used Korean class as five loaves and two fish
I started to pray with a clear prayer topic of raising true disciples starting from March 2012. Dr. Samuel held on to the prayer topic of raising a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. He planted this prayer and vision whenever time allowed.
Each morning and evening we offered a united prayer: “We are only instruments. God is the Lord of our lives and of Zimbabwe’s young souls. We have clear prayer topics: Please use our prayers and poor 1:1 English Bible study as an offering of 5 loaves and 2 fish.”
As the result of our prayer, God granted Administration Bldg. 2nd floor, room 11 as Dr. Samuel’s office in the last week of February 2012. God enabled us to start 1:1 studies there. 10 Bible students attended the Southern Africa Conference in August. Their spiritual eyes were opened, and they began to have spiritual desires after seeing the reality of God’s vision.
In the middle of August, God moved Dr. Madamby’s heart at Student Affairs and granted a bigger office with a secretary. Starting from September, we formed the “7 eagles” team and had weekly Bible studies and testimony sharing. In October, proper housing was found so that 4 students could share a common life together. I felt personally challenged to find dormitory sister sheep. From September to the end of November, Dr. Samuel’s office was crowded with 1:1 sister sheep and Korean class students even in Saturday and Sunday morning. He tirelessly fished and taught Korean for 20 minutes and the Bible for 40 minutes. The number of our sheep reached 23 including 7 eagles. So missionary Susana and sister Apolonia serve five 1:1 each and I serve eight 1:1 each week.
Sister Apolonia has studied the Bible with M. Rebekah for 2 years and graduated from the Zimbabwe University Linguistic Department in October, 2011. Starting from March 2011 she worked as Dr. Samuel’s assistant. I helped her to become a shepherdess and a disciple while I had studied 1:1 for the past year. She became a shepherdess who feeds 5 sheep. She was also recommended to receive scholarship from Kye Myung University. She was finally selected to receive the scholarship and planned to be sent out as the first student missionary from Zimbabwe at the end of Feb. 2013. We pray that she may study Korean and receive spiritual training well in Korea and eventually become a shepherdess who can teach Korean and a mother of faith in Zimbabwe.
From the beginning of October, the number of Sunday service attendants was increased from around 30-40 to 50. During the conference held in the middle of November, 60 to 70 students attended the conference every day. Dr. Samuel worked without rest from Monday until Sunday. He was pleased to say that he restored the same spirit and labor power as Han Yang UBF during the pioneering stage 35 years ago.
We started the Sarah team testimony meeting on Saturdays with 1:1 sisters starting from the beginning of November. We planted faith and vision in them so that they may overcome their own problems and become mothers of many nations, like Sarah, and praying mothers who embrace this nation and the whole world. Because of limited English, I study Genesis simply and read late Dr. Samuel Lee’s lecture together. We received much grace and were touched by the depth of the Genesis lecture. I pray to raise one Abraham and one Sarah who love and simply obey His words, share God’s vision and pray for Zimbabwe and Africa with passion.
I chose Deut. 6:5 as my key verse for 2013, in order to concentrate on God’s words and prayer, rather than visible work and people. I pray to serve God’s sheep by loving God and His words with all my heart and body, standing closer to God’s side. I pray that we may serve the disciple making ministry powerfully this year, being united as one with Director family James & Petra Lee.

One Word: Living, Working God who Wills and Acts