The Work of God in Buenos Aires UBF 2012

  • by WMD
  • Mar 26, 2013
  • 1050 reads

Buenos Aires UBF, Argentina 

March 26, 2013

I Want to See

Mark 10:51
“What do you want me to do for you?”Jesus asked him. The blind man said, “Rabbi, I want to see.” During the year of 2012 many things happened. I pray that through this report I may understand the work of God and give thanks and find a right direction.
I.  We received much help from coworkers
God had mercy on our family and gave our sisters from Peru as our precious coworkers. Those who shared common life are Erendira, Claudia, Dorka, Mary Sue and Sandra were the foundation of our ministry. We received much help from Bolivia and Mexico. God established one family of faith between Msn. Noe Marco Antonio from Bolivia and Msn. Erendira from Mexico on April 21. Then Shepherd Lorenzo came from Bolivia on June 20 for spiritual restoration. He gave a good influence serving guitar and as a presider for Sunday WS. In October Msn. Noe Marco actually came from Bolivia to live in Argentina as a missionary.
In addition, Msn. Abraham Hwang offered me Bible study in Revelation and Romans through Skype. Through this study, I could receive advice and learn things that would have taken years by myself. From November, M. DK gave an English class to our brothers and sisters using Skype. Msn. Isaac Cho suggested that we have a missionary meeting once a month.  With all of this help and support, we could maintain our spiritual direction and serve the work of God in spite of our regular jobs.
Karen (Peru), Katherine (Chile), Carolina (Colombia), Soledad (Argentina), Susana (Argentina), Alonzo (Peru), George (Argentina) studied the Bible from time to time. However, Jairo (Argentina) and Ivan (Argentina) studied regularly and attended Sunday WS.
II. God established the first marriage by faith

Msn. Erendira came to Argentina two years ago. All our sisters attended their wedding on Apil 21 in Bolivia. Now our sisters have a vision to be married by faith. After their marriage, Msn Noe Marco could not come right away. He stayed six months in Bolivia to prepare his documents. This was a great struggle for Msn. Erendira. But God sent Msn. Noe at just the right time and they are doing well together. During the time in Bolivia, Msn. Noe Marco prepared himself for missionary life living a shepherd life and preparing messages.  Msn. Esteban also gave him clear direction in coworking and obedience. After marriage, M Erendira became very punctual and they got an apartment near the center to be mission-centered. To begin a new missionary life was a great challenge for Msn. Noe but he prepared all documents depending on God. Thank God for his mini group Bible study that has been very fruitful.

III. The closing of the sisters’ house and independent faith
There were lots of struggles among our sisters in this past year. It was difficult due to changing members and rising costs so they decided to end their common life in an apartment. It seemed at first that the focus of God’s work was lost and some of them felt that it was a failure. But Claudia, Erendira, Mary Sue, Dorka, Sandra all kept their faith and continued coming to testimony sharing and Sunday WS. Also, they met many new sheep in the hostel where they moved and began one to one Bible studies with some of them and brought them to WS. We also began to have a prayer meeting at 9am before the WS each Sunday. On Saturday, the sisters prepared music, special song, message correction, cleaning the center and cooking until 1 am. It wasn’t easy to come the next day but all of our brothers and sisters came faithfully and served the WS like temple keepers.
IV. The summer and spring conferences and Bible study
At the summer Bible conference there was no air conditioning and no forest to walk in. It was hot in January (summer season in Argentina). But through the conference, Mary Sue sincerely repented all her sins and wounds in the light and was changed. Claudia accepted Jesus newly as her true husband and her wounds were cured. All the brothers and sisters invited their friends. Veronica, Alonso and Jesus participated as new sheep. We planned Easter conference but had to postpone it because of M. Erendira’s wedding.
In September, we had Easter conference. For many years, Argentina UBF had two conferences each year. As a result, between April and December there were no activities. So we tried to have a spring conference based on Bible characters. The participants did a symposium on the lives of David, Mary, Ruth, Andrew, Peter, Esther, Joseph and Rahab. This conference was useful to also prepare for Christmas and summer conference. Msn. Noe suggested having a mini Bible with mate (an Argentine hot tea-like drink) and study and we selected the patio in the Economics building where many students gather. God sent a new sheep each time. Now we are praying to register this activity with the Economics department. We are also preparing workshops on creationism, the ark of Noah, and the fossil records.
V. Personal report
I thank God for my missionary life in 2012. Humanly, I was very busy; each week passed by so quickly like an arrow. During this year, we studied James, Daniel and Mark’s gospel. Our clothing business grew and we had more clients and more sales. The possibility of getting citizenship and having a baby looks better. I repent of my lack of thanksgiving and pray to grow more in knowing God. This year has been a wonderful year through much collaboration. In the new year, I pray to concentrate more on prayer and on raising Argentine disciples. 
Msn. Marcos Kim