Pretoria UBF Mission Report 2012

  • by WMD
  • Mar 27, 2013
  • 820 reads

Pretoria UBF, S. Africa

March 27, 2013
My key verse for 2012 was Ezra 7:10. It reads, “For Ezra had devoted himself to the study and observance of the Law of the LORD, and to teaching its decrees and laws in Israel.” When I look back I did not keep this key verse at a satisfactory level. I tried to devote myself to study the Word of God to maintain spiritual strength for my ongoing mission, but the time I set aside was often replaced with many human interests. Nevertheless God has been leading me this year by his grace.
In 2013 I want to meditate on Hebrews 3:4. “For every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything.” I want to be a builder like Jesus Christ. With my fallen nature I tend to destroy although I am Jesus’ disciple. But last year whenever I thought about Jesus, he was wonderful to me, because he did the work of building in a person and in history. I have not enough resources to build someone or something, but I believe that I also can live as an useful builder as long as I follow the steps of Jesus who built up everyone in the Kingdom of God.
Easter Conference
We had Easter Conference in Lefica Camp on March 30 to April 1, 2012. As a venue the camp was not in good condition, but we used it in order to save money. During a session the lights went off, and we had to use candle light in the hall.
We prayed to invite many students for the conference. In order to make effective preparation, we divided nine fellowships into three teams from February 24. The names of the three teams are Koinonia, Caleb, and Evergreen. As a result of the struggle we could invite 17 new students to the conference. In total, 71 attendants were at the conference.
The title of the conference was “Get Up!” Missionaries and leaders were in consensus that the spirit of getting up was needed in our ministry. We learned about the power of God through Jesus who rose from the dead based on Luke 24. We studied about Jesus who said to the young gril, “Talitagum” We also studied about Jesus who said, “ Young man, get up.” Sh. Christiaan delivered the message, “Don’t be afraid, just believe.” In the content there was a woman who bled twelve years. She could not live her own life because darkness dominated over her life. But when she touched Jesus by faith she was healed and refreshed. Brother France has a stable job as a civil servant. He confessed that though he was secure and provided for, he was suffered in the life of sin like the bleeding woman. He wanted to rise after touching Jesus who can heal his darkened life.
Southern Regional Conference
There was Regional conference in Stony Ridge Camp near Johannesburg on August 10-12, 2012. The title was, “You will be my witnesses,” and 260 people participated from inside and outside. Through this grand meeting we could see the vision of Bible Africa, sending missionaries to all 55 African countries in the near future.
When Msn James Lee in Zimbabwe prepared the conference he found that some of his students did not have even their birth records in the local registry office. It took three months for the students to make their passports. On the departure day the bus company that made contract to transfer them to South Africa did not come. So James Lee had to look for another bus company with great stress to attend the conference. Eventually he could arrange a bus and the bus arrived at the conference venue in South Africa taking about 24 hours.
However God gave us much blessing through this conference. God raised messengers, Andries (Cape Town UBF), Desmond (Wits), Victor (Namibia), Oliver (Zimbabwe), Boas (Zambia), Blessed (Zimbabwe) Theophilus (Pretoria, South Africa). They delivered good theme-bound messages which moved their hearts first and impacted others’ hearts. God also raised many presiders and God could give them strong spiritual identities in UBF ministry. There were five Life Testimony sharers. Among them Sh Khomo confessed his sin of serious lustful desires and was convinced of the grace of Jesus’ forgiveness.
Msn. Peter Bahn shared the mission testimony about the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Msn. Trueman Lee about Ghana by video presentations. It encouraged all attendants to pray and go out obeying the world mission command for African nations. .
Discipleship Training
On December 3-7 we had discipleship training. The key word was, “a good soldier of Christ Jesus” based on 2Timothy 2:3. With 2Timothy we studied 1Samuel 1, 2Kings 1 about God’s calling and Matthew 6 about the Lord’s prayer. Msn Mark Kim designed the program and he and Msn. Sarah Coetsee led all the group studies. We invited Michael and Kitso from Botswana, Cremildo and Christiano from Mozambique. In total there were 23 attendants. They learned about God’s calling as irrevocable and the necessity of a different life as Jesus’ soldier on campus and in society. In December, just after the closing of the university, the youth look for pleasure, but when we open discipleship camp, they could make decisions to live as Jesus’ disciples through the Bible studies. Next year we may make a more effective and fruitful disciples' camp inviting many sheep from many chapters.
Mozambique Pioneering
We have been praying for pioneering Mozambique. Four leaders made the first visit to Mozambique on July 30, 2011. Since then Brother Cremildo was connected with our ministry. He attended our conference on March 30 to April 1 and December discipleship training. In August this year, he participated in the Regional conference with another brother. At the conference he confessed the pain of his fatherless childhood. And he came to believe that God is his father for all his future time. Afterwards our four leaders  made a second visit on November 2-4.
We studied Luke 15 with 12 people, and had a worship service together in the house of Christiano on Sunday. They came to attend the December discipleship camp again. We contact them as much as we can. We pray for Cremildo to be a father of faith in Mozambique.
Prayer topics for 2013.
  • It was difficult for me to become an expert in gospel mission because I also work for self-supporting. But through this I learned how to control time,  devoting to study both Bible and English daily. This year in May, Msn. Daniel Rhee joined our mission. He has great experience in serving God. There are many things I can learn from him as I am junior to him.
  • In 2013 I want to learn God’s building spirit. By God’s grace I want to build myself in His Kingdom, and I desire to build everyone around me. I pray to build up Africa in Jesus Christ. We need to build up a Bible center too this year. Africa is growing economically by 4 to 6 percent every year. It is the good season to spread the gospel using her economic growth. God gave us the Bible. If we pray and dream for Africa, God will bless Africa by the word of God
  • Bible house purchase
  • Mozambique pioneering.


James Lee