The Work of God in Venezuela UBF

  • by WMD
  • Apr 05, 2013
  • 991 reads

Venezuela UBF

April 5, 2013

We Are the Body of Christ

2012 Key Verse:
1 Corinthians 12:27, “Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.”
1.  Leadership Workshop (Jan 5-7):
Venezuela UBF aimed for being one in Christ and chose 1 Corinthians 12:27 as the key verse of 2012.  That’s because we had to go through many difficulties with different ideas about the work of the Holy Spirit in 2011. M. Juan Seo delivered the message that we needed to respect each other in order to establish the body of Christ and to develop our different spiritual gifts. We had a good conversation about the work and gifts of the Holy Spirit. We also had many seminars and S. Ricardo gave us a presentation on counseling. Through this conference, all attendants found strength in the direction of being one in Christ. I thank God for letting us be one, serving Him, and bearing much fruit in Him.

2.  Discipleship Training (2011-2012): 

God blessed our discipleship training from September in 2011 to April in 2012. All participants in the training served Sunday worship service and training programs sincerely and they promised to be disciples of Jesus in the ceremony. They are Josverlyn, Gabriela, Dannis, Hortensia, Mary, Josefina, Luis, Josemary, Yamiletsy, Keyla, Cecilio, Jose, a total number of twelve brothers and sisters. They also were baptized with water and the Spirit. They actively and continually serve God’s work. I thank God for raising twelve disciples in our ministry.
3. Summer Bible Conference (September 13-16):
We had the Summer Bible conference with three guests- M. John Kwon of Downey, M. Joshua Park, and M. Peter Park of Sao Paulo- and a total number was 176. When we prepared the conference, we had lots of discussion time for the main theme. Finally, we came to the conclusion to testify that Jesus is the way of truth to young people who were confused because of not knowing the truth during the national presidential elections.  So the title was, “The Way of the Truth, Jesus – Follow Him and You will Live.” S. Gustavo with leaders’ co-working, served prayer meetings, invitation, and special activities for the conference. Other leaders with M. Juan Seo served messages. God blessed our conference so that many brothers and sisters repented their sins, accepted Jesus as their Savior, and decided to be his disciples. The fruit of this conference was starting discipleship training program with around 15 brothers and sisters. I praise God who works among us for his redemptive work.
4.  Chapters in region:
I thank God for raising up new ministries in Valles del Tuy, Merida, Maracaibo.
a.  Valles del Tuy:
S. Socrates and S. Doris sincerely served God’s ministry in Valles del Tuy. They sacrificially served many young people and around 30 people come to Sunday worship service every week. There are around 10 brothers and sisters who are in discipleship training.
b.  Merida:
S. Jaime and S. Carmen are looking for one to one Bible students with a great vision to raise them up as Jesus’ disciples in Andes College. Because of their devotion, two students attended the summer Bible conference. They feel lonely sometimes. May God strengthen them in His Spirit and raise many disciples in Merida.
c.  Maracaibo:
S. Hugo and S. Yolimar sacrificially served Zulia campus to raise Jesus disciples. They left their secure jobs and went to Maracaibo to pioneer, and God blessed their decision by sending His flock. Nine students attended the summer Bible conference. Currently there are around 15 attendants in Sunday worship service each week and some of them are in discipleship training. Risking financial difficulties, they sacrificially served their Bible students with all of their minds and hearts. May God raise many spiritual leaders in Zulia Campus.
5.  World Mission:
a.  Nicaragua:
S. Luis and S. Betsy attended Easter conference in Nicaragua. S. Luis delivered the message of Jesus’ cross and S. Betsy served Bible studies and praise music. They co-worked with M. Juan Kim in the conference and came back with a vision to participate in world mission more actively.
b.  Colombia:
S. Rafael delivered the message, “the Lord is Christ,” attending the first conference in Colombia. He served the ministry there by helping Bible students. He thanked God for letting him co-work in the Colombian UBF ministry.
c.  M. Helen & S. Darren:
M. Helen who is the first missionary from Venezuela, visited Venezuela UBF with her husband, S. Darren, and her daughter, Evangelina. M. Helen gave a mission report and opened the conversation time about world mission. M. Helen became a good role model of world mission for us.
d.  Panama:
M. Juan Seo visited Panama many times and had fellowship with M. Josue & Maria who came from Venezuela UBF. God blessed their missionary life. May God help to raise Jesus’ disciples and co-work well with M. Juan & Susana Baek.
e.  Brazil:
M. Juan Seo was invited to a world mission forum in Brazil. Afterwards, he visited Sao Paulo UBF and had a fellowship with M. Elias Park and many other co-workers. He was honored to deliver a Sunday message for their worship service and shared God’s vision for us.

6.  Christmas Worship Service and leadership Workshop in 2013:

We prayed for 300 attendants for Christmas Worship service in the auditorium of the business department in UCV campus. We are going to have a leadership workshop Jan 10-12, 2013. May God help us to find new spiritual direction for the new year.
By Juan Seo