The Work of God in Indonesia UBF

  • by WMD
  • Apr 13, 2013
  • 1194 reads

Indonesia UBF

April 13, 2013
Thank and praise God for the work of the Holy Spirit and of the words of God in Jakarta (Peter Kim), Cawang (Jonathan Kin), Salemba (Jacob Park), Depok (Peter Lee), Karawaci (Joshua Kim) and for the UNAS Bible house during last year.  As I began 2012, I wanted to offer my body as a living sacrifice, pleasing to God and to not be influenced by the world, but to be a man of influence to the world.  My 2012 key verse was Romans 12:1,2  “Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your sprirtual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is-his good pleasing and perfect will.”
I. The Ministry of the Word of God
God gave us five new year messages: “Living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God” (Ro.12:1-2), “Two are better than one” (Eccl. 2), “Let me inherit a double portion of your spirit” (2Ki. 2), “Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus” (Phil. 2), and “Conquer God’s promised land” (Num. 12,14). Afterwards, God gave us the words of Ecclesiastes for 16 weeks. Through this we learned that men pursue wealth, wisdom, achievement, but all labor is meaningless, for we all have human limitations including death. We are blessed to fear God and keep his commandments, while we are young.  After the summer Bible conference, we were able to study Revelation chapter 1-5 last year. There are many false prophets in our time. We were able to learn a right attitude to Eschatology and the church and God’s love for His churches.
II. The work of the Holy Spirit through special programs and Bible conferences
1. Easter conference (April 6-8)
We had prayer meetings for a month three times a week as preparation. We studied Ezekiel Chapter 37 and 47 every Sunday and prayed that young people of Indonesia who are like dry bones may hear the word of God and to be made alive and become a strong army of God.
The opening message was delivered by M. Joshua Ahn  with the title, “Jesus died and rose from the dead according to the Scriptures”  (1Co15;3,4 ); main message 1 by M. Joshua Kim with title, “Daniel’s decision of faith” (Dan.1); main message 2 by M. Moses Lim with title “Even if he does not” (Dan 3); main message 3 by M. John Lee with the title,  “In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk!” (Acts3;1-10).   Through Easter conference, we learned the love of our Lord Jesus who took up the cross, and the martyrdom spirit of Daniel and his friends. In this materialistic world, we don’t have silver or gold, but we decided to live by faith in Jesus’ name and prayed that many crippled young men can get up in the Name of Jesus.
2. Depok UBF independent Bible conference from Aug. 17 to Aug. 20
The conference title was “God’s Amazing Grace”. A total of 109 people attended. God raised up nine native shepherds as Bible messengers, and also four life testimony speakers, and nine testimony speakers. A staff shepherd, Chang-Won Kim, Ruth from Gwanak 1, and Hannah Chung from Anam came and served Communion, and second gen.’s Bible study and lecture. After the conference he gave us a special lecture on Pneumatology. We learned the presence of the Holy Spirit and His work. We gathered every day and prayed continually.
3. Christmas Worship Service at UNAS campus
All five Indonesian chapters and UNAS Bible House had Christmas worship service together with one heart and we all were blessed with full of joy and grace of Immanuel
4. The first Indonesia missionary conference
God established a house church between Yanti, ancestor shepherdess of Salemba UBF and Shepherd Isaac from Minesota UBF, USA in January 2012. M. Abraham Kim came and served this wedding. According to his direction, we had our first Indonesian missionaries conference on on May 16-17 with messages: “But when the Holy Spirit comes on you and you will be my witnesses” (Acts 1) and “Love of God that surpasses knowledge” (Eph.3; 14-21). Since than we have a chapter directors' meeting every two months, sharing the word of God and prayer topics. Men missionaries had badminton sport fellowship every month.
5. Karawaci UBF pioneering work
The Karawaci pioneering work began by M. Joshua Kim. He had been serving in Depok UBF faithfully and sacrificially for the last 16 years. He works at UPH University as a professor. He also teaches at several colleges in Karawaci. M. Mark Yang from Chicago came last December and delivered Sunday message from John 3:16 at Depok UBF. Then he served Indonesia missionaries from Ephesians 6 and Numbers 5. We learned that husbands should love their wives and wives should respect their husbands and parents should raise up their children as gifts of God with the word of God in order to bear the blessing of the house church that God established.
6. Personal thanksgiving prayer topics and repentance
Thank God for sending precious servants of God and for giving us the word of God and God’s comfort through them. Thank God for helping M. Barnabas who serves UNAS Bible house though his health was not good. This became a blessing to our united Christmas worship.
Thank God for helping us to be alert and pray in spite of problems. Last year we had severe spiritual battles against problems, old sisters’ marriage problems, wandering brothers without jobs, and health problems. Thank God for our missionaries’ co-working, and sacrificial lives and for the growth of native shepherds’ house churches. Each house church has problems, but they struggled to love God and to serve sheep.
Thank God personally for God’s victory over my job. I had been busy last year with changes of my bosses three times, new products launching, and with frequent business trips. But God gave me good health to serve the ministry of the word of God wholeheartedly and to visit other chapters and to pray together with other missionaries, sharing prayer topics. Thank God for the whole IndonesianBible reading. In the New Year I want to kneel down more and to bear the cross of interceding prayer.
III.   2013 Eat this scroll and fill your stomach with it
My New Year key verse is Ezekiel 3: 1-3: “And he said to me, 'Son of man, eat what is before you, eat this scroll; then go and speak to the house of Israel.' So I opened my mouth, and he gave me the scroll to eat.  Then he said to me. 'Son of man, eat this scroll I am giving you and fill your stomach with it.' So I ate it, and it tasted as sweet as honey in my mouth.”
As we began 2013, I saw that we are losing our absolute attitudes toward God’s word. I pray that I and Indonesian UBF may eat the scroll, then go and speak, and pray for 120 1:1's, 120 Sunday worship service attendants and  for establishing house churches.
2013 Indonesia prayer topics:
  1. To be used as God’s instrument for the glory of God.  I may have an absolute identity and faith in the power of the gospel as a servant of God;
  2. To raise up 20,000 Bible teachers and 2,000 house churches through Indonesia UBF;
  3. Jakarta, Salemba, Cawang, Karawaci, Depok--that these chapters and UNAS Bible house  each may grow as independent UBF chapters with the abundant work of God’s words, disciple- making  and house churches;  
  4. for the restoration of the health of M. Rebekah in Jakarta;
  5. for Depok center to have 120 SWAs and 120 1:1's (at present; 70 SWAs , 60-85 1:1's).
  6. One word: Eat the scroll, then go and speak