The Work of God in Ecuador UBF

  • by WMD
  • Apr 16, 2013
  • 1036 reads

Ecuador UBF

April 16, 2013

God Who Raises Ecuadorian Shepherdesses as Bible Teachers

Key Verse: (Num 13:2) “Send some men to explore the land of Canaan, which I am giving to the Israelites. From each ancestral tribe send one of its leaders.”

I thank and praise God for His work of salvation throughout the world during the year 2012. I’d like to share my thanksgiving topics, reporting on what God has done this year in Ecuador UBF.

Through the New Year’s meeting, remembering the UBF New Year’s key verse, we started the new year with the direction to explore new lands in Ecuador and to have all the members read the entire Bible once. Above all, we had the burning prayer topic to carry out plans for an Easter Conference lasting 3 days and 2 nights. God blessed our prayer and helped us to have the first Easter Conference in April, with 26 participants. Shepherdesses Luisa (Medicine 4), Lady (Architecture 5), and Lisbeth (Medicine 2) prepared the messages with all their heart, even though it was their first time delivering a message. Through the Easter Conference, Sister Pauleth (Shepherdess Lisbeth’s sheep) made the decision to live as Jesus’s disciple and started to receive discipleship training.

To serve the sheep that participated in the Easter Conference, we held a testimony-sharing meeting on Saturdays, and later, in the new semester, we had group Bible study on campus every Tuesday. We invited new sheep to this weekly group Bible study. Through these Bible studies, God helped all of the shepherdesses to grow as Bible teachers and gave us the grace of serving new sheep.

God invited us to the Colombia UBF Summer Bible Conference in August, at which Shepherdesses Lady and Lisbeth and Sister Pauleth participated in the message, life testimony, duo-drama, and special dance. Shepherdess Lady had a retake exam before and after the conference, and because of this she had many conflicts in her heart. But she decided to participate in the conference remembering her key verse for 2012, Matthew 6:33, and she served the conference as of first importance. Her professor allowed her to take the exam after the conference, and she passed all her courses, through which she experienced faith.

In November, we had Sister Pauleth’s discipleship oath ceremony. She is the sheep of Ecuadorian Shepherdess Lisbeth, and she decided to live by faith, receiving grace through the words “You are the Christ.” (Mark 8:29/Matthew 16:16) And after the Colombia UBF SBC, she started going fishing weekly with Shepherdess Lady, and now serves Sister Tanya (Medicine 1) with 1:1 Bible study. She was the first disciple raised by a native shepherdess in Ecuador UBF, and for this reason, it gave us the joy of the first harvest. We pray that God may preciously use the Ecuadorian shepherds as Bible teachers and shepherds.

Since last year, we prayed and fished to raise brothers in the work of God. Then, God helped us serve Brothers Andres (Systems Technology 4), Diego (Administration 2), and Xavier (Interior Design 3) with 1:1 Bible study. I pray that God may give them spiritual desire in their heart and may raise them as ancestors of faith.

Now we are praying for financial independence and to rent a place suitable for use as a Bible House. Missionary Andre Kim resigned from his job in April, and we are praying for him to open his own business. However, we still do not have clear direction regarding this matter. We pray that God may open a way for self-employment so we may freely serve God’s sheep. We also felt the need for a Bible house to have 1:1 Bible study with sheep, because now the shepherdesses are serving sheep with 1:1 Bible study. We pray that God may grant us a Bible house near the University of Guayaquil so that the sheep can feast on God’s word there.

God also did great works among the second generation missionaries. Joo Wang Kim (High School 2), a second generation missionary was invited by the Brazilian missionaries to Brazil. While he was in Brazil he received much grace and many benefits, both physically and spiritually. We thank God because, through the friendship, Daily Bread fellowship, and life testimony-sharing with other second generation missionaries in Brazil, he is eating Daily Bread independently and serving in various music programs, claiming the word from Genesis 12:2. We would also like to form a vessel of the Holy Spirit, praying every night with our children. We pray that God may preciously use the second generation missionaries as servants in his mission in Ecuador, and that He may help them to encounter Jesus personally. We thank God, who blessed the mission in Ecuador and used my family in the work of salvation during the year 2012. We also give thanks for the prayers and service of coworkers who prayed for my family and for God’s sheep in Ecuador.

Prayer Topics

  1. For Missionary Andre Kim’s Sunday messages
  2. To raise 1 Abraham of faith and 12 disciples, especially male disciples
  3. For 30 Bible studies and 20 Sunday Worship Service attendants through group Bible study
  4. Pioneering work in Quito and financial independence/stability through self-employment (establishing our own business)
  5. For second generation missionaries: Joo Wang, Esther, and Andre Jr. (that they may be born again and be used as spiritual coworkers in the work of God)

One Word: God raises Bible teachers in Ecuador

By Andre Kim