The Work of God in Zambia UBF

  • by WMD
  • Apr 19, 2013
  • 944 reads

Zambia UBF

April 19, 2013

The Work of God in Zambia UBF

“Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed” (Mark 1:35)
Part 1. Looking at 2012
1. Thank God for the training of Zambian leaders through our international conference. This year there was an international conference in Africa. Personally I prayed for two prayer topics. The first one is helping Zambian leaders to have hope. Zambian leaders had no hope. So they were powerless. I wanted to plant hope in their hearts. Shepherd Moses was chosen to prepare the message of “ God’s call of Abraham”. I prayed for him to have God’s hope while he prepared the message. Shepherd Moses had a hard time because he spent a long time to finish his school. His friends graduated school  a long time ago and worked. So their lives were settled. But he did not study well. So he spent a long time for school. So his life was full of worry. But while he prepared the message, he struggled with the word of God and he could have God’s hope. My second prayer topic was to plant a right value system of marriage in Zambian leaders. Shepherd Moses and Andrew are old enough to marry. But we had no shepherdesses. So I had no idea how to help them in their marriage problems. I had no way but to pray for them and help them to have a right value system for marriage. In the conference they heard the message about marriage. Thank God for helping them to hear the message about marriage. I pray that God may work in their marriage. While they were travelling, they received prayer training. They had no yellow fever card. So they were told to come after two weeks. It meant they could not attend the conference. So we prayed. Then God helped us to travel and attend the conference. When the journey was difficult, the conference was more graceful.
2. Thank God for helping my first son Vision to repent and accept Jesus as his personal Savior. I serve God in Africa. So I worried a lot for my children. I want them to grow as good second generation missionaries. Vision liked UBF. And at the Europian Internatial Conference in 2009 he decided to become a missionary. But he was young. So I could not believe his decision. He went to Korea during the vacation and attended Summer Bible conference. He wrote testimony there. He repented his sin of lust. Because of lust, he could not study well. He secretly enjoyed sin. But he repented and accepted Jesus as his personal Savior. I pray that he may grow as a good second generation missionary.
3. Thank God for giving Shepherd Moses a good job. Shepherd Moses graduated this year. But he worried because it was difficult to find a job in Lusaka. Once he made a secret plan to go to another city where he could find a job easily and where he could be paid well. But he changed his mind and decided to remain in God’s promised land. It meant that he decided to live a difficult life financially because he did not know how long it may take to find a job. In Andrew’s case, it took one and a half years for him to find a job in Lusaka. There was no guarantee of finding a job in Lusaka. So we prayed for him to find a job. And I had to pray secretly for him to endure hardship well while he had no job. But God heard our prayer and He gave him a job very soon. It was unbelievable. Thank God for helping Shepherd Moses to find a job quickly.
4. Thank God for helping me to change my job. I worked for a hair company for more than 10 years. Hair business is a kind of labor-intensive business.  So I had many workers. And there were many problems. Many workers stole things. Many workers told me lies. I received much stress from work. Emotionally I was exhausted. I had nightmares many times and shouted and woke up many times. I wanted to give up everything many times. There were some critical moments sometimes. It was difficult to serve God’s work in this situation. Sometimes people told me to think about going back to Korea. Many missionaries came to Zambia and left. My family is the only family remaining in Zambia. I was powerless but I could not decide to leave Zambia. I do not know why. I wanted to solve this problem. To solve this problem, I wanted to change my business so that I may be better emotionally. But I could not stop this business because there was no one who wanted to buy my company. By God’s grace I could sell my company this year. And now I am preparing to open an optician office. God helped me to prepare a new business in many ways.  I pray that I may be healed emotionally completely and restore spiritual power. 
Part 2. 2013 direction
I want to solve my emotional problem. I pray that God may heal me. I want to serve God’s work powerfully. I want to raise many disciples. For this I want to struggle with one thing. That is early morning prayer. We started early morning prayer from August this year. We pray at 5:00. Satan tries to stop our early morning prayer. Many bad things happened. Thieves stole money. There was an accident. There was resistance from tent members. There was temptation of morning sleeping. But if we stop early morning prayer, we will be defeated spiritually. We want to solve these problems by prayer. For this reason, I choose my key verse Mark 1:35 “ Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed” May God help me pray every day. May God help me to struggle spiritually before problems.
Prayer Topics:
  1. For Shepherd Moses and Andrew to feed sheep and solve their marriage problem;
  2. To raise 12 disciples;
  3. Self-supporting.

by Nehemiah Kim