South Sudan Mission Report & Prayer Topics

  • by WMD
  • Apr 20, 2013
  • 862 reads

S. Sudan 

April 20, 2013

All things God Works for the Good of Those who Love Him

Romans 8: 28 “And we know in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose"
I. 2012 mission report
I thank God for using me in the South Sudan gospel mission during the last year. I thank God especially for blessing me to attend the African conference in Uganda, teaching me how to live as a witness of Jesus.
We studied the Gospel of Luke last year. God blessed us to learn about humility love and a good servant's attitude through Jesus.  I delivered Sunday messages every week and then we started to share with two brothers Elia and Oliver throughout the last year.
We held our first Bible conference in Juba on November 30 to December 1 last year with the title “Do not be afraid just believe”. About twenty students including leaders and seven new sheep attended the conference. We studied the Book of Luke with three lectures. Shepherd Padiet Deng delivered the opening message and the second main message on Luke 8:40-56 “ Do not be afraid just believe” which challenged us not to fear but listen first to Jesus' words. While shepherd Rose Peter from Malakal chapter delivered the first main message on Luke 8:1-21 about “The parable of  the sower” which helped us to confess and repent our lack of faith and that we should produce the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Shepherd Saeed Mosses delivered the morning devotion,  then shepherd Elia Peter delivered the third main message on Luke 9:1-17  “You give them something to eat” which taught us about the spirit of responsibility. We learned that God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power; we must overcome all our problems of fear only by believing in Jesus who gives us power. We also learned how we can become good soil which can produce the fruit of the Holy Spirit by giving our hearts and minds to Jesus.
All attendants wrote and shared testimonies for every study. I thank God who richly blessed us with the powerful words and heart-moving testimonies at the conference. We also raised one new leader during the ministry of  last year.
When we see our situation, there are many things that put us in fear:  our new nation just has one year after independence; and there are economic problems due to the shutdown of oil production last January; a lot of graduate students do not get jobs yet, including our leaders; most people suffer with different diseases and poverty. But God teaches us that we should listen to his word of life as Jairus did when his daughter became alive. May God continually raise many good soldiers of Christ in South Sudan through our one-to-one ministry!
We held our Christmas worship service with ten students on Dec 23. Shepherd Elia Peter delivered the Christmas message based on Matthew2:1-12. We learned that Jesus is the king of the Jews who comes to save us and rule over us as the king of peace with justice. We accept Jesus in this Christmas as our king and we welcome him to rule us with his love and mercy, in Christmas songs.
II. 2013 prayer topics:
  1. A permanent place for study and Sunday worship services. Still we are praying in a Chinese restaurant paying some money every week, and studying the Bible under a tree on campus;
  2. Raise 12 disciple of Jesus with strong determination by the end of 2013;
  3. Shepherd Elia Peter and Saeed Moses to be very strong shepherds in the future; they are taking care of the ministry during the time I work outside of Juba;
  4. Our Sunday worship to be 15 in attendants and have weekly Bible study with 20 students; May God give us every week his strong words!
  5. I pray for myself to get a new job which lets me stay continuously in Juba or get a new position in the office; My family to join me by the beginning of the New Year. May my children get into a good school in Juba; May God bless our nation by raising good leaders who can offer their time and lives for others.
One word: Do not be afraid just believe.
By Padiet Deng