Astana UBF Annual Mission Report

  • by WMD
  • Apr 24, 2013
  • 1174 reads

Astana UBF, Kazakhstan

April 23, 2013

Preach the Word

2 Timothy 4:2: “Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage--with great patience and careful instruction.”
Part I. God was with us in 2012
God gave us the 2012 year key verse for Astana UBF of Numbers 14:9: “Only do not rebel against the Lord. And do not be afraid of the people of the land, because we will devour them. Their protection is gone, but the Lord is with us. Do not be afraid of them.” We wanted to challenge our missionaries and leaders to serve one person each, believing God's leading and presence as General Joshua did. But we faced persecution with the new religious laws and saw many missionaries from other ministries deported. In this persecution and difficult situation, we couldn't obey this word fully and proactively. But God was with us. God helped Astana UBF to become a registered church and sent eight new Bible students through the summer Bible conference. I want to review what God has done in our ministry last year.
1.  Astana UBF became a registered church
It was indeed a great work of God. Since the new religious law passed, we had been praying for Astana UBF to be registered for one year. During this time, many missionaries from other ministries were deported and the government rejected our request several times. In this situation, we were wondering whether we should serve our ministry in the underground secretly or not. The deadline for the registration was 10/25/12 and on that day they announced the registered churches on broadcast. Still our church was not registered. There was no hope from a human point of view. But we didn't give up  praying and God heard our sincere prayers and all the coworkers' prayers from around the world. Miraculously God opened the door and we could become a registered church.
God is good always. God works for the good of those who love him. Through these difficulties, God raised leaders one by one as mature stewards. God granted us unity among ourselves. One of our leaders made a vow that if God does this, he would become a missionary. Shepherd R. who is designated as the leader on the document, became a spiritual servant of God. He made a decision to live as a servant of God to the end even if he goes to prison and receives persecution. I want to thank all the co-workers from the world who prayed for us sincerely.
2. Summer Bible conference
We had asummer Bible conference on 6/8-10/12 at N, which is a  resort near Astana. Twenty-nine attendants came. It was our first Bible conference after the new religious law. It was a great challenge for us to have this conference because we were not registered yet. We rented the whole three-story building on the condition that they didn't receive any other guests. By the help of God, the owner treated us favorably. When other guests recognized that we were having a Bible conference, they tried to report us. But the owner protected us. Furthermore the owner thanked us saying that he received true rest in his soul.
We prayed to have deep and intimate relationships with our Bible students through this conference. We formed a friendly and welcoming atmosphere through sports, a campfire, and all kinds of games. We encouraged our Bible students to lead praise songs and to sing special songs during the program. They prepared their traditional dance and songs. They received God's words with obedient hearts and accepted Jesus' genuine love.
Missionary P. Y. delivered the opening message on Matthew 11:28 very powerfully. When he started to deliver, the lights went out. But he used a flash light and encouraged us to bring all our weary and burdened hearts to Jesus and receive His true rest. Shepherd A. delivered the evening message on “your sins are forgiven.” He said that sin ruins our lives and we need Jesus' forgiveness. After the message, there was a life testimony by sister J. P. She's a medical student. Although her school is 200 km away from our church, she comes to Sunday worship service faithfully. Although she had four major exams, she came to conference by faith. Her aunt, shepherdess M. invited her to Bible study when she was 12 years old. She met Christ as her Savior and Living water through last summer Bible conference. She faces many persecutions from her family, but in this she accepted the hands of God who strengthens and sanctifies her faith.
On the second day, Shepherd R. delivered the message on John 4, “Jesus is the Living water.” He powerfully delivered that Jesus can solve our sin problems and Jesus is God's gift who gives us living water. Shepherd K. delivered the evening message on Mark 5, “What is your name?” He said that through Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection we can overcome the power of sin and death and we can have true freedom in Jesus.
On the third day, Missionary F. delivered the message on Luke 23, “Father forgive them.” He boldly witnessed that Jesus forgave all our sins on the cross.
3. Fall Bible conference and Christmas worship service
We had a fall Bible conference on 10/26-27. We learned the meaning of suffering and persecution and our spiritual identity through 1 and 2 Peter Bible studies. Also we learned that God is the Ruler of all the nations through a special lecture on five nations on the Old Testament.
We had Christmas worship service on 12/16. While we were preparing the worship service, it was very cold, below -40 Celsius. I became anxious because of this cold weather. But Shepherd R. delivered the message full of grace that Jesus' birth is the good news that will bring great joy for all the people. There were more than 70 attendants and they enjoyed God's word, drama, special song, dance, Taekwondo, and B-boy dance.
Part II. 2013 direction and prayer topics
God gave us a 2013 year key verse of 2 Timothy 4:2 “Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage--with great patience and careful instruction.” God  reminded us last year through persecution and difficulties that we are in spiritual warfare and what we can do on the front line. It is to preach the Word in season and out of season. I pray that our church may be used by God according to God's will. We may visit other cities and plant the word of God so that we can pioneer other cities with the Gospel as well.
Prayer topics
1. All the leaders may obey the key verse and serve one person each with God's word;
2. We may look over five cities so that we can lay a foundation for pioneering;
3. We may pray for central Asia and Muslim nations;
4. We may find a place to worship (They don't allow us to worship at home.).