Braunschweig UBF held Easter Bible School

  • by WMD
  • Apr 28, 2013
  • 979 reads

Braunschweig UBF, Germany

April 27, 2013

Genesis 15:5, “He took him outside and said, ‘Look up at the sky and count the stars—if indeed you can count them.’ Then he said to him, ‘So shall your offspring be.’”

God blessed the Easter Bible School and gave us vision and hope in him. The main theme of the Bible school was the vision of “Countless Stars.” S. John served the message, revealing the vision of God who asked Abraham to count the stars in the sky. The messenger praised God for transforming him into a composer and a shepherd. The music he made and posted on YouTube became an instrument of God’s glory. He testified that God granted him many creative ideas whenever he asked for help and wisdom, reading the word of God posted on the wall in his room. He held on to God’s word, “Your beginnings will seem humble, so prosperous will your future be.” (Job 8:7). He concentrated hard to listen to God while also studying diligently in his major, Computer Science Engineering.

S. Tomas shared his reflection based on Luke 5, “From Now on You will Fish for People.” He learned piano for 13 years at an international music school during his middle and high school years. He also served as a chorus leader at church. However, his father’s car accident made him wander aimlessly. Thankfully, the prayers of his family and brothers and sisters at church helped his father to accept and believe in Jesus, witnessing the living God. His problem was that he could not find the foundation for his faith when he did not know the Bible. But by God’s grace, he entered a college, met M. Jebez, and started to study the Bible. Matthew Bible study and Friday disciples’ meeting helped him to experience the work of the Holy Spirit. He prayed that he may learn Jesus more, obey and follow him through Bible study and reflection writing.

S. Jeremiah decided to resume his Bible study again after a one year pause, after being so moved by others’ reflections.

S. Janis was a special sister in God along with other brothers in our chapter. May God bless her faith and raise her as a mother of faith like Sarah.

S. Tomas was planning to go somewhere after his graduation in February so he could not focus on Bible study. However, God loved him so much and his professor asked him to prepare his thesis for one more semester. May God bless Bible study for one more semester and help him to accept God’s calling personally.

By Kaleb Hong
