Santo Tomas UBF Thanksgiving & Prayer Topics

  • by WMD
  • May 06, 2013
  • 781 reads

Santo Tomas UBF, Mexico

May 6, 2013
Thank you for your prayer support.
Thanksgiving Topics
  1. Bible study with brother-in-law for six months while staying in Mexico.
  2. Continuing John’s gospel Bible study with one Korean family and their attending Sunday worship service.
  3. Preaching the word of God at campus and people around us by a flyer.
  4. God’s grace on M. Lydia’s successful surgery on her thyroid cancer with early finding.
  5. Growing 2nd gens Isaiah and Haeun Lee with good health and adjustment.
  6. Grace on Sunday worship service on C.U. UBF
  7. God’s protection from the dangerous environment of Mexico and self-supporting in finance.
Prayer Topics
  1. Establishing one Abraham and one Sarah
  2. Mastering Spanish
  3. Whang family’s spiritual growth
  4. Good health for M. Lydia
By M. Isaiah Noh